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*Paralysis is a loss of muscle function for one or more muscles.Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss feeling (sensory loss) is affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor.


*paralysis is most common often by damage in the nervous system, especially the spinal cord. One major causes are stroke , trauma , nerve injury, poliomyelitis , cerebral palsy , peripheral nephropathy , Parkinson disease,ALS,botulism ,spins bifida,multiple sclerosis and Gullah-barre syndrome.

Variations Edit
Paralysis can occur in localized or generalized forms, or it may follow a certain pattern. Most paralyses caused by nervous-system damage (e.g., spinal cord injuries) are constant in nature; however, some forms of periodic paralysis, including sleep paralysis, are caused by other factors
Paralysis can occur in newborns due to a congenital defect known as spins bifida. Spain bifida causes one or more of the vertebrae to fail to form vertebral arches within the infant, which allows the spinal cord to protrude from the rest of the spine. In extreme cases, this can cause spinal cord function inferior to the missing vertebral arches to cease.This cessation of spinal cord function can result in paralysis of lower extremities. Documented cases of paralysis of the anal sphincter in newborns have been observed when spina bifida has gone untreated.While life-threatening, many cases of spina bifida can be corrected surgically if operated on within 72 hours of birth.
Ascending paralysis presents in the lower limbs before the upper limbs. It can be associated with:
Guillain–Barre syndrome (another name for this condition is Landry's ascending paralysis)


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