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How to Stop Coughing With Home Remedies



Lets begin with the introduction of the cough what is cough it is the upper respiratory infection in this condition a sudden and forceful hacking sounds which are release in the air and reflex that helps to clear the airway of irritants.


viral infections

There are multifarious causes of cough which are include:-Due to allergies many people are suffering from various types of allergies such as,from

dust allergy, 


pet animals,


some people cigarette,smoking,as well as when they inhaling second hand smoke,,

pollution,air pollution,

perfumes and chemical fumes,



Number of people are at the risk of medical conditions like,Infections people have many types of infections and long last symptoms such as,pneumonia,common cold,and sore throat.It can be caused by the fungal infections in the lings like tuberculosis(TB) and many other infections,Viral infections. 

upper respiratory tract infections

whooping cough,

common cold,

asthma it is an upper respiratory tract infection which may be appear in winters and go with season go off air. people may suffering from asthma attacks such as,shortness of breath or may completely stopping of breathing.

sinus infections,

acute bronchitis,

emphysema it cause the shortness of breath and may damage the air sacs in the lungs  

gastro esophageal re flux disease,


chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)It is the chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes the obstructed airflow from the lungs.

lung cancer,

There are the three types of coughing:-

1 A wet cough-it is caused by the flu or cold and virus and when you are suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

2 A dry cough caused due to flu viruses and cold,

acid re-flux ,

irritants like cigarette,smoke,


3 A chronic or persistent cough is that last longer  more than 3 weeks and caused

by asthma,

lung disease,


whooping cough,

heart disease,

chronic diseases,

tobacco use,

postnatal drip.

Aspiration if any person ingest food through airway,


Due to these causes many complications are occurred if you have persistent cough it arise complications such as,vomiting during coughing ,sleep disturbance because at night it increases more coughing ,may resulting of headache and abdominal pain due long lasting cough,

Excessive sweating ,


loss of bladder control increased urination during coughing,

Fatigue and weakness,


Wheezing sounds,


symptoms of cough

Frequent throat clearing and sore throat,

Wheezing and shortness of breath,breathlessness,


A runny and stuffy nose,

Blood during coughing,


Fever higher than 102 F/38.3 C

Sometime coughing up blood 

Weight loss due to cough lasts for 2 weeks

Chest pain because of cough specially at night

Difficulty in swallowing due to congestion

Fatigue may occur due to cough

Night sweats due continue coughing

Weakness it can developed due to the loss of appetite

Throat irritation

Itchy feeling in the throat


diagnostic evaluation

If you have cough for more than two weeks then you should consult your doctor for the diagnosed of it and take best treatment from the doctor and it should be treated fast it because it can be contagious if you will suffering from cough more than two or three weeks , because of long period of cough it cause the serious problems such as,tuberculosis,pneumonia and lung abscess because many people are smoking and it directly effect on the lungs and developed lung diseases after chronic cough.

Medications- Administered the medications to the patient who is suffering from the dry,wet and persistent cough medicines such as,antibiotics doctors also prescribed the amoxicillin drugs for the treatment of cough it is very effective treatment of cough.


Provide antitussives and expectorants drugs these drugs are specially for the treatment of any type of cough.

classification of antitussive there are two types of antitussive drugs there are 1 narcotic/opioid 


2 Non-narcotic/non-opioid antitussive:-Dextromethorphan,benzonatate,diphenhydramine.

Classification of expectorants:-Potassium and sodium these are the salts of iodine which are best treatment of cough,Acetic acid and citric acids are use for cure cough,

Mucolytics:-Acetylcysteine,carbocisteine and bromhexine.

Guaifenesin is the common expectrant cough syrup for treating te cough.

There are some best cough syrup which are used to stop cough;Terbutaline Bromhexine guaphenesin syrup.

Dphenhydramine Ammonium chloride sodium citrate syrup .

There are many type of anti-allergic drugs which are used to treat the allergies because some people have coughing due to the dust allergy and we have some antiallergics such a,cetrizine, clemestine and loratadine drugs.

cough syrups

Some natural ingredients or home remedies which are commonly used for treating cough;


You can inhale the steam at your home ,Take boiled water ant pour it into the bowl and then face lying on the bowl you should stay for at least 1 feet away from the water because it is too hot and may cause skin rashes due to heat stock ,you can place the towel over the back  your head and face under the towel and inhale the smog of the water and it will be evaporated,if you feel uncomfortable then you can stop it at a time and then perform it after some is very effective way to cure cough and chest congestion.

You may used other ingredients such as,turmeric powder in boiled water because it is the antibiotic and used to treat many types of infections or viral infections.

You should do gargles for clear the mucus from your throat in you can take some warm water not too much hot and cold water so you should be careful for this then take some pinches of iodine salts and add it into the warm water and do saltwater gargles .You can do it twice a day for clearing mucus from the throat.

You should stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to be hydration if you drink more water it helps to thin mucus and cure cough easily and you use the humidifier to loosen the mucus for clear your throat and cure from congestion in the throat and cure from the breathing problems.

You can use honey for treat cough it acts as a cough suppressant and it can be used for children also for many other problems use some ginger use and add in the honey and take it it will soothe the throat it helps to treat dry cough very rapid. many type of cough syrups are available with these ingredients i.e honey and ginger.Ginger is also very effective ingredient which is used to treat the throat inflammation.

Menthol is also used to treat the cough.drugs are available in the menthol to cure persistent cough.


Soups are used for cough such as,chicken soup and ginger tomato soup because due to cough patient cannot swallow the hard food and it is in liquid food and helps to maintain digestive system.and helps to treat the infections due to the cough in the upper respiratory system.


It is truly said that prevention is better than cure so you should be prevent from cough by using some preventive measures like; Instructed to the person or patient to avoid the cigarette and smoking because it leads to cough and directly affect on the lungs and may developed various lung diseases or lung cancer and cause other upper respiratory infections and it affect on your heart.

You should avoid the inhaled irritants such as, perfumes,sent,and avoid to come contact in dust particles because if you inhaled these things it cause the breathing problems or cause  problems in breathing pattern and may be cause breathlessness.

You can use an extra pillow for the disturbed breathing pattern.Do not use another blanket if you have any type of allergy and soak in the sun for dryness and kill the bed bugs.

Always cover  your mouth if you work in the dust particle and before go outside you can use medical mask or home made mask which is made from the cloths to protect from the dust allergy.

Do not take oily,junk,fast food because it cause the cough the oil is very harmful for the upper respiratory system and cause sore throat and mucus purulent.

You have to eat fruits and green leafy vegetables for staying healthy such fiber food and vitamin and mineral sources of food you should eat.Make your diet plan.


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