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  DEFINITION :-  To begin with the definition of personal hygiene which is defined as the cleanliness of our body and our cloths for the healthy mind and well being is called as the personal hygiene.

There are some tips of how can we maintain personal hygiene by using home remedies and marvelous ways which are following below:-

Each new day brings new opportunities for us and we have chances to start new and healthy life so we do not leave these opportunities . We should use some healthy tips to remain healthy and live as a worthwhile person who has all qualities and take efforts for own wellness and others.

So from our starting day we should follow the healthy tips for remain hale and hearty first of all we should wake up early in the morning and go to the washroom for freshness wash your face properly with soap or face wash which is beneficial to remove dirt and germs(causing infection and micro-germs are result of dry skin and allergic reactions on the skin such as rashes ,redness ,pimples.) from face.

The first tip of maintaining personal hygiene is the daily  face wash in the morning for preventing infection.Now We will be describe the steps  of cleaning face or face wash.

(a)  In the first step wet your face with warm it keep in your mind that water should be warm do not use cool or chilled water and too hot water for face wash because it cause irritation and burning sensation while using hot water.

(b)Now wet your face with plenty of warm water and apply cleanser soap as well as face wash with palm of hands on your face and keep massaging in circular motion for some seconds and one minute.

(c)  In the third step you can gently exploiter your face's skin by scrubbing to remove dirt,dust and germs.You can do it for for few minutes daily in the morning.

(d)  Now rinse by using warm water and make sure by washing traces away all soap or cleanser from the face and use clean towel make sure you should use your own towel because another towel can cause the infection so come to the point by towel clean face and pat your face dry. Do not rub with towel because it promotes the wrinkles on your face skin.

(e)  In the last and least step After rinsing use sun scream or lotion (skin tonne) from causing sun burns and dust particles and it reduces the appearance of pores and look smooth skin of face Using sun lotions are beneficial for keep moisturizing your skin and protect your skin from elements and germs.

(2)Take bath daily with water do not use hot water for showering in the morning to stay personally hygienic .Daily showering for 5-8 minutes to remove germ , bacteria  and dust particles from the body by using soap or body wash to protect from infections.  During bathing clean your personal areas of your body.
Take bath daily

 (3)You should wash your hands before and after doing something as well as everything  such as,before preparing of food ,before eating food,it is more often to keep yourself  clean,hygienic and healthy life.

  • Now we will discuss the proper hand washing technique ;we all know that hands are  main carries of infection,bacteria's virus ,dirt and dust particles which can cause infections and harmful diseases that why wash your hands after doing works or touching something and come from outside to the home it is very necessary to protect from virus and infections.
  • IN the first step you should wet your hands with warm water and apply liquid soap or cleanser .Do not use too hot water for hand washing .
  • IN second step rub your hand  palm together in circular motion as well as clockwise or anticlockwise to cleaning whole hands.
  • IN third step rub your back hands and between fingers and then interlinking your fingers and clasped your hands rub together and clean thumbs .
  • IN fourth step rub your palms with finger tips in the circular motion with soap foam.
  • IN the final step rinse with water and clean and dry with towel.


 (4)You should brush your teeth daily or twice a day and use mouth fresher ;Place your  tooth brush at the 40 degree angle to the gums to brush  away from the gums because our gums are very soft as compare to the teeth. Use herbal toothpaste if you have allergy  from the toothpaste. Clean your hair regularly it will be maintain your personal hygiene .Rinse your hair with water and apply shampoo and gently massage shampoo on the roots of hair with finger tip for few minutes on the whole head and then rinse thoroughly warm water after shampoo conditioning your hair with conditioner for removing dryness from the hair After completing  these steps clean and dry hair with your own towel .Then after drying hair use hair oil for smoothness and strengthening of your hair and on scalp with finger tips in circular motion.

 (6) Use deodorant for fresh smelling or fragrance from the body or you may use antiperspirant to control excessive sweat and bad odor in your under arms .

(7) Wash your clothes daily specially in hot whether ( summer) because in this season our body excrete the more sweating as compare to cold whether and it smell bad and cause more infections.
wash your cloths

(8) you should sanitized your home by phenol and disinfectants to prevent from infection . You should use air fresheners in the all rooms and especially in the your washroom and toilet always be clean these areas of your home to preventing from the infections in the home .

(9) You have to be cover your mouth during coughing , sneezing , and when you are go from house  to  visit  the other place because there is more pollution outside from the home such as , more viral infections and diseases.Currently wash your hands and after coming home and  use sanitize to kill micro-germs.

(10)  It is very important to maintain your personal hygiene during menstruation here are some tips for females  to maintain personal hygiene (a) You should change your pad every 5-8 hours for vaginal hygiene .Make sure you should use sanitary pad during menstruation.

  (b) You have to wash yourself properly during changing and removing sanitary pad wash vagina with warm water for cleaning and preventing from the infections and bacteria.


There are some purposes of maintaining personal hygiene which are following under below:-

  1. As  we know that personal hygiene helps to remain us healthy and keep clean our body .
  2. It is very beneficial for our personality development ,we look smart,and it can helps to raise our self confidence.
  3. It may help to remove all dusts and dirt's particles from our body and keep clean and feel freshness.
  4. It helps to free from viral infections and harmful diseases which can cause more chronic diseases.
  5. We feel fresh and live healthy life by maintaining personal hygiene.
  6. If we are hygienic our friends ,neighbor and family are appreciate us and they are also motivating from us.
  7. It may helps to make strong interpersonal relationship between our friends and society.
  8. It helps to remain fit and healthy and also helps to strong our immune system due to this our body fight against the viral infections.   
  9. It increased our personal pride and confidence.
  10. Maintaining of personal hygiene will be helpful to prevent from chronic immune reactions such as from heart diseases.Consequently,It reduces the overall infection rates from our body.    


  1. Avoiding eating and drinking is very important thing after Tooth Extraction Process.


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