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The marasmus is the severe disease condition which is defined as the form of malnutrition in the body due to the low intake of energy and nutrients and cause health problems and leads to deficiency of vitamins and mineral in the body is called as the marasmus. 
The another definition of the marasmus is when individual do not have sufficient food and the result of this body cannot get much energy and inhibition in the growth of new cells due  to this body unable to fight with foreign antibodies and occurred health issues which is known as the marasmus.

In this condition both adults and children are affected with the low energy levels and may lead to the prohibition of the vital signs in the body of the affected person and it will be too dangerous for the patient.The United Nations Children Fund estimate that half of all deaths in children who come under the age of 5 years and about 2.5 million every year, which is mainly due the malnutrition in the body of people.

There are number of causes of marasmus which are following below:-

There are many conditions are occurring in the people,s life some of them have not sufficient money for completing their self needs or nutrition diet .They do not having sufficient nutrition for the survival.

Due to the digestive problems,when the stomach is not work properly due some problems such as,diarrhea, vomiting s,loose motion so in this condition person is unable to have the enough food and may get metabolism problems so when body cannot get the enough food then it may lead to the occurring of marasmus.

In adults due to hectic schedule in this era everyone busy in the fast pace of life and do hard work for achieve their goals and during this they are unable to take care of their food and change their food habits ,they cannot take the healthy and sufficient food for empty
stomach ,they do not have extra time for making healthy and fresh food they also prefer to buy the fast food or ready-made food which is not good for their health or sometime they do not have time to eat food.consequently,the lack of nutrition and may lead to many health issues in the people.

Stress and depression is also may lead to developing the marasmus because person who is suffering from the these mental disorders they are completely unaware of their food and disturb their food habits.


There are the multifarious risk factors which are increases the risk of occurring marasmus in all ages of people which are following come under below:-

Poor water supply in the accommodation when the water is not hygienic or contaminated due to some poor conditions and unhygienic water may cause the health related problems such as,nausea,vomiting and infections in the stomach.

Deficiency of vitamin and minerals people are at high risk of marasmus who have vitamin deficiency in their body .due to insufficiency of vitamins and minerals their immune system 
can be weak and unable to fight against the harmful diseases and viral infections.

\Because of the poor diet and unbalanced diet for example due to the inadequate food supplies people who are not take the enough food they also face these malnutrition  problems.

Lack of the food ,fruits,vegetables and protein may lead to developing of the marasmus.

The signs and symptoms of the marasmus may developing from mild to moderate depending on the severity of the malnutrition are following which includes below:-

The mild symptom of marasmus is diarrhea like the occurrence of vomiting s and loose motions.It may be rise and chronic persistent diarrhea.

  • Changes in the abdomen,distended abdomen.

  • The color of the skin is change,yellowish or peeling color of the body.

  • Dizziness may occur in the mild symptoms.

  • Weight loss or failure to gain weight according to age and size of the body of the person because of the metabolic problems.

  • Weakness,in this person feel laziness all the time and tired,fainting and changes in the levels of consciousness like semi-consciousness and lethargic.

  • Get wrinkles on the face skin and all other parts of the body such as,on arms,hands and legs.

  • Patient may loss on the control of urine and stool passing.

  • Partial and may be full paralysis of the legs and hands.Loss flexion the body and arms.

  • Delay in the growth and development in children because of malnutrition or changes in the food habits .

  • Loss of vision or blindness.

  • Dysfunction of organs and failure to work properly.


protein rich food

  • The treatment of the marasmus is depending on the causes and symptoms ,it is the life-threatening medical emergency.
  • Provide the diet chart to the patient for proper eating to treat the eating disorder and a chronic health problems.
  • Provide carbohydrates,calories and nutrients to the patient for maintain health.
  • Provide liquid food at the starting of treatment because the stomach cannot digest hard food that why the liquid food is good for your health .
  • Provide well-balanced diet to the patient  and intake of calories and protein.
  • Provide vegetables and fruits which are essential for giving minerals and nutrients to preventing from the vitamin deficiencies.
  • Provide the food supplements to the patient.
  • Good sanitation and hygienic its is very important to treat the infections and symptoms which are occurring due to the marasmus.
  • Provide hygienic food to the patient for wellness
  • Patient should drink the boiled water and bath with warm water to prevent from the waterborne disease.
  • Instruct the patient to avoid Alcohol and smoking to decrease the infections.
  • Provide stress buster therapies for the management of stress and depression which are generally causing eating disorders like loss of appetite and stomach infections due to the empty stomach.
  • In children marasmus -mother should give the breastfeeding to the infant for 6 months is crucial for the proper growth and development of the the children because due to absence of breastfeeding may results the nutritional problems and may arise the difficulties in the normal growth of the children and may occur many health issues.
  • Provide protein rich foods to the person such as,milk,eggs ,fish and nuts that are helpful for the growth and development.
  • Administration of intravenous fluid to the patient .
  • Provide physical and psychological support to the patient and family.


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