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How to Fix Common Sleep Problems ?

How can we cure sleep disorders and sleep well ?

What is sleep disorders or sleep problems ?

If you are struggling with a sleep disorder in your daily life then it could be problem of sleep disorder. The sleep disorders is the condition when you do not get sufficient sleep or unable to sleep well due to some medical problems or mental disorders.In this article i will tell you that how to recognize of sleep disorder and how to get treatment you need. There are various types of sleep disorder which are following under below :-

Insomnia :- In this condition person unable to fall asleep and feel uncomfortable during lying down.Causes of insomnia are stress, anxiety, digestive problems, hormonal changes, depression, irritability.

Parasomnia :- In this disorders person's behavior is abnormal during sleep such as person wake up at night and walking , sleep talking, groaning , bed wetting, grinding teeth and clenching of jaw and night mayors.

Sleep apnea :- In this disorder person suffering from difficulty in breathing during sleep.It is the sever medical conditions which caused by less oxygen in the body and patient may wake up at night.

Causes  :-  Chronic pains when you have any type of pain in the body then you can not get sleep.For example when you are suffering from arthritis,inflammatory bowel disease, headache, toothache, lower back pain.

Stress and depression :- These problems have negative impact on the quality of sleep. Person fell anxiety during laying down and failed to asleep.

Nocturia  :- Regular urination or increased urine output may also effect on sleep.It is cause due to the imbalance of hormones and urinary tract infections.

Respiratory problems :- When person suffering from allergy, sneezing, cuffing, cold, and other infections.It may cause the breathing pattern and also effect on sleeping.

Insomnia - Diagnosis and treatment


The treatments of sleep disorders - The management of the sleep disorder is depends on the causes and types. We can cure it by prevention and various types of treatments which are followings:-

  •  For preventing this disorder we have to change our habits such as eating, living and lifestyles.
  •  Maintain your daily diet take nutritious food such as fruits and vegetables which are containing proteins and vitamins.
  •  Do not drink more water before sleeping such as limit your tea ,coffee and milk at night.
  •  Instruct to avoid alcohol, tobacco and smoking.
  •  Maintain your sleeping time.Every day you should sleep and wake up at same time.
  •  Meditation regularly for relaxing your mind and body. It also help us to reduce the stress and depression.
  •  Provide sleeping pills to the patient which are used to induced sleep such as benzodiazepime, sedatives, alprazolam
  •  Provide antidepressants which are helps to treat insomnia.
  •  Administration of anti allergic drugs to the patient such as citrazen.   



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