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stay hydrated

In these summers we need extra and more careful for hydration of our body for the healthy skin and well-being. Because due to the hot summers body get dehydrated and may develop many type of diseases which are very harmful for our health and it will be more dangerous for the functions of the body.So proper hydration extremely essential for your wellness of the body. 

So begin with the introduction of the dehydration like what is the dehydration?

As we all know that dehydration may occur when your body tissue lose  more water fluids it cause disturbance in the  important fluids and electrolytes such as,potassium,chloride 
sodium.Another complications and symptoms are developed due to the dehydration thirst occur more because body loss the water and dry of mouth and lips,lethargy it is the symptom of the because imbalance of electrolytes and person feel lethargic all the time.
With the progresses of dehydration complications are occur more and increases more problems such as,hypo tension and tachycardia because of improper functioning of the body.

Most common symptoms of the dehydration are vomiting s,diarrhea,weakness,numbness,anorexia nervosa(loss of appetite),lack of sleep,changed body color like yellowish color of the body.

It may be cause due to inadequate intake of water,those people are at high risk who are work in the hot places and are more prone to the dehydration because at these places no humidity and less water due to the hot weather and exertion of more sweating due to the hot weather.

because of the sweating person loss water and fluid through the excessive sweating from the body and this the cause of dehydration and body functioning improperly due the imbalanced of 
fluid and electrolytes.

There are some tips to prepare for stay  hydrated in upcoming summers.We need some important nutrient for the balance of fluid and electrolytes in our body.We need more aware for the body needs in the hot weather because it will dangerous for our health.
Many people are suffering from the heat stroke which is known as the hypothermia in this disease the temperature of the body is dramatically elevated or when your body is overheating usually when you prolonged exposure to and physically exertion in the high temperature like in 104 F(40 C)or may be higher from the 40 degree cause the heat stroke and heat injury.

Here we will discuss some nutrient foods and minerals which are use full to staying hydrated in the hot weather.

Ways to Stay Hydrated in Summer


Each and everyone know that the most common and essential nutrient is water ,our body contains about 70% to 75% water with fat.we can live without food for many days but without water it is impossible that because of more water in our body.
There are number of purposes of having water in our body for survival specially in the hot weather which are following below:-
The water is important for the maintenance of circulation of blood in your body for functioning.
It helps to regulate the body temperature in the summer .
If you drink mineral or sterilized water it could be very beneficial for the digestive system, if you exercise daily then it helps to metabolism.
It is the biochemical reactive agent for supply nutrients and helps to removing waste.
Consuming more water helps the digestion of food proper bowel movements,because water carries the heat away from the internal organs and prevent from the serious health issues such as,heat injury,heat stroke and it can lead to death because heat transmitted in our bloodstream to the skin and cause the excretion of sweating.
You must be drink more water for balance of electrolytes.
You should drink sufficient water to prevent thirst .
Rather than eating food drink more water because our body contain more water than other things.
If you go for daily exercise in heat for more than one or two hours then you should use energy drink to prevent from the heat stroke ,drink plenty of fluids before day starting and must be well-hydrated.


The watermelon is very healthy and nutritious fruit for get hydrated in heat conditions ,if you take one or two plates watermelon it will be helpful for the body contains water from it.
If you have 1 cup of watermelon it contains the 118 ml of water and contains vitamin C,A and magnesium.
Because of containing low calories watermelon helps to reduce over weighting.
It is the rich source of may be reduce the cell damage and reduce the risk of harmful diseases such as,diabetes and cardiovascular diseases like cardiac arrest and pericarditis.
It is very useful for you include it in your diet in daily diet and it may be include in your fruit salad and may helpful to prevent from water loss.
Watermelon is hydrating food and good nutrient if you eat it regularly in the hot weather.
As compare to winters its available in summer because it grow in the summer season that,s why it easy available in this season.
It helps to reduces the risk of chronic illnesses such as diarrhea,constipation,vomiting s,and many more health issues.
It provides several health benefits such provide nutrients to the body which are helpful for survival in heat .



This nutrient is one of the most important for remain healthy and help full to prevent from the heat stroke or heat injury.
The one cup of cantaloupe contains about 90% of water and rich source of vitamin A and C.
It is beneficial for boost immune system BY protecting from the viral infections and various diseases.
It contains minerals and vitamins and low calories and high fibers which are essential for the health and reducing the infections in our body.
You may use it in your breakfast and make the fruit salad by adding other smoothies and you can include the black pepper and black salt which is useful for boosting your immune system.
It provides significant amount of water and promote your health.



The orange is very healthy and beneficial fruit for your health and it provider a multifarious health benefits.
In 118 ml of orange juice contains about 88% of water including fiber and many nutrients.
It is the rich source of vitamin C and potassium which are helpful to reduce the risk of heart diseases and boos the immune system.
Orange also rich in antioxidants and prevent from cell damage by the reducing of inflammation.
Because of containing citrus acid it may help to protect from the renal calculi.


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