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-Introduction;functions and vitamin and the sources of vitamin C
-Here we commencing with the some introduction of vitamin C,it 
is also known as the L-absorb acid which is the water soluble 
vitamin that is we gain from the foods,fruits and other
supplements and nutrients.
-What are the functions of vitamin c :-
-Vitamin C plays a very important and complex functional role 
role in our body for strengthening of immune system .
-It is the antioxidant pro-oxidant activity in our body .
-It work as a antioxidant reducing agent .
-Its AH may be react react with free radicals and reactive oxygen 
species .
-It donates the hydrogen and electron ions to the body by food and 
deity supplements.
-It is helpful for the growth and development in the body and also
beneficial for the repair of connective tissue in all parts of our 
-It helps for the fast healing of wound and and form tissue on any 
part of our body.
-It plays a crucial role to repair and maintain bone,cartilages,
and also for teeth strengthening.
-Its form an important protein which is used to make skin tendons,
blood vessels and ligaments which is developed the strong body tissues.
-Its also beneficial for the the treatment for cancer because the bad 
affect of cancer is on our immune system its directly affect to weakens 
the immunity and vitamin C is useful to boost immune system it is very
beneficial for the patient during survival time of cancer it is used in
very high dose of vitamin for the treatment of the cancer because it can 
generate the hydrogen peroxide.
-If vitamin C is present in your food or medicine is very beneficial for
the long survival for patient during suffering from the various types of 
tumors and Cancers.
-Vitamin C has the antioxidant property which are helps for the treatment 
of cardiovascular diseases.Vitamin is capable of reducing the monocle adherence 
to the endothelial helps to prevents from the plaque instability in atherosclerosis
-Vitamin C helps to treatment of common cold .It affects the all ages people
children and adults.Vitamin C has anti-histamine effects and its high dose
may get useful to reduce the risk of common cold in people may get healthy body
with the treatment with high dose of vitamin C in the the medicine and with dietary 
supplements .
-It is useful for the treatment of weak eyesight such as, people who are suffering 
from the cataracts and age-related macular degeneration because these are the risk 
factors of loss of vision of eyes specially in elders because they have weak immune 
system and body unable to fight against the viral infections and may get affected with 
many types of harmful diseases.The intake of vitamin C is useful to treat the cataracts
and other diseases.
-Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the synthesis of protein,it helps in the synthesis of 
collagen .the fictions of collagen in our body to protects the skin form the wrinkles and
helps to skin make strong and firm and helps to protects organs and soft tissues from 
the diseases.
-Vitamin c is helps to prevent from the ultra-violet light exposure specially in summer
our body gt affected the sun light and number of people are suffering from allergic reaction 
from the sun rays.


-There are number of fruits and vegetables and foods which contain the high dose of 
vitamin C we all have to take these type of foods for the strong immune system because 
if our immunity is strong then our body can fight with the viral infections and harmful

-There is the one of the best fruit is rich source of vitamin C is the orange because 
it contains the 120 milligrams of vitamin C .You can eat and drink the juice of orange
in your breakfast is very beneficial for the strong immunity because in the morning 
our stomach is empty and its also helps to boost the immune system.

-No-doubt that lemons are high in vitamin C because it contains the citric acid which 
is helpful to decrease the risk of viral infections. You can drink the lemon juice by adding 
some water,salt and black pepper it make the solution it also be useful to re-hydrates your body.
-The green pepper is one of the source of vitamin C is used to prepare food .
A one green pepper is contains a 95% milligrams of vitamin C.You can add in the variety of 
dishes by chomping and sliced it.It can used to make salad which is very beneficial for our 
healthy skin and body.
        RED PEPPER
-The red pepper is just like green pepper the use of red pepper is like green pepper
you may use it in your food and make a salad .It contains 117 milligrams of vitamin C 

-The grape fruit is also like a oranges.It contains high dose of vitamin C about 45 milligrams.
grape fruits are sweet contains a sugar .You can drink the juice of it by adding some water.
or it may use in the fruit salad in your breakfast.
-It i s like the green leafy vegetables it contains more water and good for your health .
It contains about 50 milligram's of vitamin C .If you have one cup of broccoli-it has
 about 30 calories and lots of antioxidants.

-The tomato is the rich source of vitamin C and it has about 20 milligram's of vitamin C.
It can be used in all of the dishes .It available in the from of juice and sauce which used
for eat with the snacks and fast food for the metabolism .

-The kiwi fruit is the rich source of vitamin C .It contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C.
it has about 40 calories. the kiwi fruit is used eat for salad .it beneficial for increases the 
blood cells in the body and  for healthy skin and body.

-The honeydew melon is the good source of vitamin C and also high in vitamin B-complex.
the one honeydew melon is contains a 30 milligrams of vitamin C.It is used for treat the 
the dehydration specially summers number of people are suffering from the dehydration
and it is the very good fruit to used for the re-hydrogenation can by take by the making of 
juice and in fruit salad.

-The spinach is the green leafy vegetable and use for making the many types of recopies
which are high in calories and contains more water the re-hydrated your body.It is the rich
source of vitamin C. and used for green salad.

-The strawberries are the fruit rich in vitamin c it contains 89 milligram's of vitamin C.
this is very nutritious fruit which is help to prevent from the heart and brain diseases.


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