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How can we prevent from corona virus

How can we prevent from corona virus ( COVID-19 )

                 prevent from corona

One of the best way to protect from COVID-19 is "STAY HOME STAY SAFE" Each and every person should stay at home for remain hale and hearty.It is the equal responsibility of everyone that we all should follow the rules which are announced by our government for our safety and keep prevent from the deadly virus because it is transmitted very fast from person to person by come in contact with each other that's why the government decided to ordered the lock down in all over world.Because currently there is no vaccine which is help to prevent from corona virus disease (COVID19).

There are five common preventive measures we should follow for prevention

1 Stay home
2 social distance
3 Hand wash often
4 Cover mouth with mask
5 Feeling illness current call medical team

It is self protection for prevent from the corona virus disease.
So what you can "do and do not" to protect yourself ? You should follow the rules to get prevention from COVID-19.You have to stay home do not go outside because it is the chain of virus which can be spread from one to other by touching things as well as shaking hands or if infected person touch any thing then it can get
contaminated by the virus and the virus alive for 12 hours if healthy
person get come in contact it cause the infection and  definitely cause corona virus it results in 14 days with these symptoms such as cough,cold sneezing and fever and then patient need of ventilator because of breathlessness.

  • Regularly Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap or liquid soap which are used to kill micro-germs from hands because our hands are get infected from touching contaminated things .If you do not have soap then wash hands with normal water for 30 seconds for clean properly.
wash your hands

  • Use sanitizer which are available in the market  such as alcohol based solution used to sanitized the hands to prevent from infection.
Use sanitizer

  • Do touch your face without washing your hands ,do not touch nose,ear and mouth.
Do not touch your face

  • Always cover your mouth with the disposable mask which is easily available in the market in cheapest prices to get protection from the COVID-19. Its also be beneficial to prevent from the air particles because when we interaction with another person if suddenly they sneeze or coughing in-front of you the mask will protect from the droplet infection and you can safe from the infection.
Cover your mouth or nose with mask

  • The noticeable thing in this if you do not have medical mask then you can use disposable tissue or make it at home or one of the other idea is to make of cloth mask in our home we all have some worthless cloths now its come the time of change cloth importance useless to worth you can sewing your own cloth mask at home and one of the best quality is cloth mask that we are sure that it is clean and sterilized and you can use it and it can be use again and by washing it with soap or detergent and clean it with water.

  • You have to avoid close contact with other people you have to stand or sit at 1 meter or 3 feet for prevention especially from the people who have the symptoms of sneezing, cough, cold, and fever.

  • If possible you should stay at home and stay safe by staying at home for protect yourself and your family also or if you feel unwell you should do self-isolate to stay away from your family and friends and go for the tests and start the treatment from near hospital.
Stay at home

  • You should clean and disinfectant your household things and vehicles and surfaces if you have children in your home .Daily use things should be cleaned with the detergent and soap such as switch, toys, curtains, chairs, tables, and other necessary things.

  • Clean your surface area with disinfectant or phenol and wipe it with clean water.

  • Keep distance from your friends and relative to break the chain of COVID-19. Because if we come in contact with them whenever they have infected then it can be transmitted from them.

  • Avoid go to the crowded place because we do not know who is healthy and who is infected and if come in contact with them it increases the chances of COVID-19 so as much as possible you should neglect to gathering the mass for self protection.

  • You should throw your disposable mask into the dustbins for reduces the chances of infection from the garbage.

  • You should avoid travelling by public transport because many type of people are travelling infected and healthy and the touch the things such seats, seat-belts, windows, doors and other objects and it may get infected so you should avoid touch these things if you travelling by public transport.

Avoid traveling 



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