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Showing posts from May, 2019

How to Treat of the Burn Patient in Primary Care. CARE OF PATIENT DURING BURN

   Home care instructions for burns Home care for burns First of all applied the individually fitted elastic garments to the patient when admitted in the rehabilitation center because they are prevent hypertrophy scar formation , and joints are exercised to promote a full range of motion. The patient is encouraged to increase activity tolerance , obtain adequate rest, strive for physical and resume vocational and social functioning. P atients is refer for the occupational therapy , psychological counselling, support groups, or social services. In some cases constructive and cosmetic surgery may be required. For life adjustments to assist the patient support groups and services are available. Patients previous psychological states may predispose them to injury and may have an adverse effect on recovery. When patient face the burn injury may suffering a wide range of emotional responses including anger, frustration , irritability and psychological states

MANAGEMENT OF OBESITY..Obesity Treatment & Management: Approach Considerations, Patient 

MANAGEMENT OF OBESITY ⁃ HOW CAN WE TREAT OBESITY ⁃ First of all the life style  healthy eating plan and regular phsyical activity :- ⁃ Changing your life style;this is difficult but you have to change your life style amd eating habits. ⁃ Weight loss medicins ; administer the medicins to overcome the obesity and overcome which are prescribed by the phsyician. ⁃ Herbal supplements and dietry supplements are also claim to help your loss weight . ⁃ Weight -loss  devices:- There are some devices avaliable in market which are helpful to decrease your wieght. ⁃ Gastric ballon system:-in the gastric ballon system , doctor placed one and two ballons in your stomach through a tube gas in your mouth. ⁃ surgeon fills salt water so they take up more spaces in your stomach and help you feel fuller. ⁃ Electrical stimulation system these devices surgeon places in your abdomen with laproscopy sugery. ⁃ Monitor your weight regularly:- you have to check your weight daily .

Anemia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF ANEMIA ⁃ TREATMENT- Iron deficiency anemia:- Iron supplements and dietry changes if the condition is due to loss of blood , the bleeding must be found and stopped. there help to cure anemia and increase the blood cells. ⁃ Vitamin deficiency anemia:-dietrt supplements and B-12 shots. ⁃ Folic supplements :-treatment of thalasemia , removel of spleen, blood transfusion and bone marrow. ⁃ Blood transfusion and bone marrow transplants for aplastic anemia. ⁃ Oxygen therapy , pain reliefe and intravenous fluid treat the sickle cell anemia. ⁃ Adminster the Antibiotics for cure anemia. ⁃ PREVENTION ⁃ Eat and drink vitamin-C rich foods and drinks. ⁃ Eat plenty of  iron - rich foods, such as green and leafy vegetables red meat , lentils. ⁃ Avoid drinking tea and coffee with your meals, as they can affect iron absorption. ⁃ Have a ripe bannana with some honey twice a day . ⁃ Chicken , seafoods and oysters. ⁃ Enriched rice and p

What is COPD? | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease..

CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE ⁃ It is the group of debilitating , progressive and potentially fatal lung diseases that have in common increased resistance to air movement , prolongation of the expiratory phase of respiration, and loss of the normal elasticity of thd lung . ⁃ The COPD bronchitis ,and asthmaticbronchitis . ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ Smoking ⁃ Toxic efectsof tobacco smoke on lungs. ⁃ Environmental pollution, dusts,chemical or smoke at work ⁃ Lack of enzyme a-1 antitrypsin cause the COPD. ⁃ SYMPTOMS ⁃ Difficulty of breathing during exertion ⁃ Chronic cough ⁃ Sputum ⁃ TREATMENT ⁃ Bronchodialators such as ,ipratroprium , an anticholinergic ⁃ Albuteral such as, a beta gonist ⁃ Antibiotics ⁃ Corticosteroids ⁃ Therapies include influenza and pneumoccocal vaccinations. ⁃ Anticholinergic agents such as ipratropium ⁃ Aminophylline and corticosteroids.


 HOW TO MAINTAIN PERSONAL HYGIENE        MAINTAIN PERSONAL HYGIENE   DEFINITION :-  To begin with the definition of personal hygiene which is defined as the cleanliness of our body and our cloths for the healthy mind and well being is called as the personal hygiene. There are some tips of how can we maintain personal hygiene by using home remedies and marvelous ways which are following below:- Each new day brings new opportunities for us and we have chances to start new and healthy life so we do not leave these opportunities . We should use some healthy tips to remain healthy and live as a worthwhile person who has all qualities and take efforts for own wellness and others. So from our starting day we should follow the healthy tips for remain hale and hearty first of all we should wake up early in the morning and go to the washroom for freshness wash your face properly with soap or face wash which is beneficial to remove dirt and germs(causing infection and mi

Chronic fatigue syndrome - Symptoms and causes..

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME ⁃ The chronic fatigue syndrome markef by incapacitating fatigue that rest does not relieve and decreased phsyical , coginitive , social function. ⁃ It affects in all ages abd races of males and females. ⁃ It decreased concentration, irritability ,sore throat, sleep disorder, low grade temporatures, swollen glands and bond or muscle pain. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ Unkown cause of CFS ⁃ It may caused by the viral infection or distruptiind in neurological , endocrine or immune system function. ⁃ TREATMENT :- ⁃ There is no unkown cause of CFS thats why treatment focuses on suportive care , nonesteroidal and antiinflammatory drugs may be useful for myalgia or arthralguas- low doses of tricyclic and some other antidepresants. ⁃ it enhance the control of pain and helpful for patients having sleep  disorder. ⁃ Cognitive behavioral therapies.

The Importance of Good Personal Hygiene.

PURPOSES OF MAINTAINING PERSONAL HYGIENE ⁃ personal hygiene helps us to remain clean. ⁃ It keeps us helps to remain healthy. ⁃ It may helps to remove all dirts and dusts from our body. ⁃ It is benficial for personality development and look smart. ⁃ We are apericiated by our friends and in tge neighbours. ⁃ It helps to feel fresh and healthy and good. ⁃ Maintain good muscle strength. ⁃ It keeps us free from infection and illness. ⁃ It maintains a healthy skin. ⁃ It helps to maintain the good relationship with others and society. ⁃ Increased personal pride and standards. ⁃ Noticed by someone you attracted to. ⁃ Remain fitt healthy and strong. ⁃ Increase your self-esteem. ⁃ Prevents chronic immune reactions related to artherisclerosis and heart diseases. ⁃ Help you keep teeth to allow proper chewing and nutrition your whole life. ⁃ Terminates outbreaks of disease spread by person to person. ⁃ Reduce overall infection rates.


CARE OF PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ⁃ All joints assessed with for inflammation,deformities, and cobtractures. ⁃ The patients ability to perform activities of daily living is evaluated . ⁃ The patient is assesd for fatigue. ⁃ Vital signs are monitred, anf weight changes, pain , morning stiffness are documented. ⁃ Use of moist heat enciuraged to relieve stiifness and pain. ⁃ Prescribed antiinflammatory and analgesic drug therapy is administered and evaluted. ⁃ The patients is taught about the use of these medications. ⁃ administre all medications pprescribed by phsycian. ⁃ Instruct the patients im active range of motion and exercise for specific joints. ⁃ Encourage the patient take warm bath before exercise. ⁃ Use the cleansing lotions and oils for dry skin. ⁃ The patient should pace activities,alternative sittings and standing, take short rest periods. ⁃ Refrral to an occupational or physical therapist helps to keep joints in optimal condition .


HOW TO MANAGE WHEN THE PERSON COME WITH DRUG OVERDOSE ⁃ First of all patients should refer to the emergency department ⁃ Assess the patients airway, circulation,level of conciousness, and vital signs, and try to ascretain what drug was taken, how,when and by which route. ⁃ Then blood and urine samples ate sent to tha laboratory for toxicology screening to aid in identifying specific substances. ⁃ If the drug was administered by inhalation or parenteally , or if time lapse has allowed for absorption , an intravenous, site is established, and fluid is administered as prescribed . ⁃ Depending on the patient ‘s response to drug’s actions , emergency department provide supportive therapies , activated charcoal or bowel irrigation. ⁃ note the Psychiatric history of depression of patient. ⁃ suicide precautions are established to protect the patient from further self injury , psychological or psychiatric follow-up is initiated foe overdose resulting from depression or


HOW TO LOSS YOUR WEIGHT ⁃ There are sone tips to loss weight ⁃ Eat small meals often and do not skip meals. ⁃ Having a craving plan. ⁃ Start with high fiber food ⁃ Do not watch telivision during haiving food. ⁃ Never from containers. ⁃ Remove all unhealthy snacks from the house. ⁃ Store only healthy food and snacks in the home. ⁃ Never eat from containers. ⁃ Schedule phsyical activities. ⁃ Plan a week grocaries. ⁃ Exercies 30-60 minutes daily. ⁃ De-stress before eating. ⁃ Pick up healthy food before dessert. ⁃ Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. ⁃ Weight yourself daily. ⁃ Walk 30 minutes everyday. ⁃ Through out large plates. ⁃ Through out large clothes. ⁃ Buy and usea pedometer. ⁃ Eat at home often. ⁃ Dont use serving bowls. ⁃ Get more active . ⁃ Drink plenty of water. ⁃ Cut down on alcohal. ⁃ Running or walking daily. ⁃ Avoid sugary food. ⁃ Drink coffe or tea. ⁃ Eat your food slowly.

How to loose weight at home without any risk or side effects ?

How to loose weight ? There are ten main points which are mention below with the help of these points you can easily loose your weight in some days. 1. Be natural 2. Early nights 3. No snacks 4. No junck food 5. exercise daily 6. Drink water more and more 7. Get fitter 8. Avoid drinks 9. Reduce stress 10. More usage of bicycle Even you can loose weight by taking some steps at home.. * Do not use alcohol * Do not use Red meat * Do not use packing food * Do not use soda * Do not use dairy * Always eat greens everyday * Eat protein in every meal * Drink water 15 glass of water perday.. * Exercise one hour daily * Walk 30 minutes everyday * Incearse calcium in food * Never eat from the market * Eat at home often * weigh yourself everyday..

Best Strategies for Infection Prevention and Control..

PREVENTION OF INFECTION ⁃ The goal of infection control is to prevent the spread of infectious disease. ⁃ Infectious diseases are caused by the growth of pathogens in the body. ⁃ Pathogens ar disease causin microorganisms(germs). ⁃ Infectious diseases are causing pain , suffering and death. ⁃ HOW TO PREVENT IT ⁃ Matian personal hygiene:-Wadh your hands before amd after doing somthing(e.g. preparing food, eating, and medical procedures). ⁃ Do not share personal items- use your own toothbrush, comb or razor blade. ⁃ Avoid sharing drinking glasses or dining utensils. ⁃ Wear clean and tidy clothes- clothes should be very clean , tidy and ideally should not come in contact of others. ⁃ Trim your nails-nails are always trimmed and cleaned regularly to avoid harbouring harmful germs. ⁃ Cover your mouth with clean mask if you suspect having cough and cold. ⁃ Vaccination- immunization can drasticaly reduce your chances of contracting many diseases. ⁃ T

How to cure cold and cough in one day ?

NATURAL HOME REMEDIES TO CURE COLD AND COUGH                                     How to get rid of a cold overnight home remedies Home remedies for cold and cough Home remedies are very beneficial and also free from may side-effects. There are some home remedies are mentioned  below that will help you treat common cold and cough. Gargle with salt water :-  Gargle with salt water This is very effective method to cure the cough and cold. Honey :-              Honey It uses for the wet and dry cough. honey mix with the lime juice and warm water and this is the best solution to controlling the cough and cold.2.honey and brandy is to keep your chest warm and increased the body temperature mix a teaspoon of brandy with honey of treat the common cold and cough. Ginger :-  Ginger Ginger have the multifarious benefits for the human health. uses- 1.ginger tea is helps to cure the cough and common cold.2.Spiced tea - while preparing  the tea add the ginger , tu

How to Stop Coughing With Home Remedies

  HOW TO STOP COUGH BY USING HOME REMEDIES  coughing Lets begin with the introduction of the cough what is cough it is the upper respiratory infection in this condition a sudden and forceful hacking sounds which are release in the air and reflex that helps to clear the airway of irritants.       CAUSES OF COUGH viral infections There are multifarious causes of cough which are include:- Due to allergies many people are suffering from various types of allergies such as,from dust allergy,  animals, pet animals, water, some people cigarette,smoking,as well as when they inhaling second hand smoke,, pollution,air pollution, perfumes and chemical fumes, Smoking  smoking Number of people are at the risk of medical conditions like,Infections people have many types of infections and long last symptoms such as,pneumonia,common cold,and sore throat.It can be caused by the fungal infections in the lings like tuberculosis(TB) and many other infections,Vi


HOW TO INCREASE PENIS SIZE NATURALLY ? HOW TO INCREASE PENIS SIZE NATURALLY ? There are some naturally ways which can help us to increase penis size without any risk or side effects. Firstly starts with some penis exercises which are mention below : * It is totally natural and safe . * It can give you a larger, harder & healthier penis. * You can use stretching, expansion & contraction to facilitate change. * It can be used to strengthen skeletal muscles needed for a healthy erection. # some other effects ** Men have been highly self-conscious about the size of their penis, right since the ancient times.Even those men who are average in size often look for ways and means to increase their penis length. # A genuine way to permanently increase your penis at home using just your hands and you can start it today at your home without any hesitation.There is no any side-effect of these exercises.


HOW TO IMPROVE  EYEVISION  - SOME HOME REMEDIES ⁃ There are some foods which are helpful to increase eyesight;Which are the sources of various vitamins; ⁃ Sweet potatoes - which contains antioxidants of vitamin E ⁃ Carrots -these are the risch source of vitamin A ⁃ Spinach naf collard greens are rich in  lutien and zeaxnthin. and also good source of vitaninC. ⁃ Nuts- walnuts , chashew, peanuts, lentil , brazil nuts; its also rich in omega-3 and vitaminE. ⁃ citrus fruits sucha s lemon, oranges and grapfruits ⁃ Beefs: rich on zinc ⁃ Seed- chia, flex , hemp seeds ⁃ Fish and fish oil;rich source of onega -3 fatty acids. ⁃ Eggs; rich sources of vitaminE,C,and zinc. ⁃ Water; drinking plenty of water is helpful to prevent dehydration. which reduced the symptoms of dry eyes.and this is also vital to eyevision. ⁃ Bell peppers ⁃ Almonds , fennel seeds and rock sugar is very useful  to improve eyesight. ⁃ Cucumber is also veryi beneficial for eyes,

Male Reproductive System Information |

MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ⁃ The male reproductive system consists of a number of sex organs that play a role in the process of human reproduction. ⁃ These organs are located on the outside of the body and within the pelvis. ⁃ PARTS ⁃ The penis and the urethra are part of the urinary and reproductive system. ⁃ The scrotum, testes (testicles), vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate comprise the rest of the reproductive system. ⁃ PURPOSE • To produce, maintain, and transport sperm (the male reproductive cells) and protective fluid (semen) • To discharge sperm within the female reproductive tract during sex. • To produce and secrete male sex hormones responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system.

Hydrocelectomy & Hydrocele Treatment..

HYDROCELE ⁃ A fluid-filled sac around a testicle, often first noticed as swelling of the scrotum. ⁃ Hydrocele is common in newborns and usually disappears without treatment within the first year. ⁃ Older men can develop hydroceles, sometimes due to inflammation or injury. ⁃ CAUSES ⁃ Towards the end of pregnancy, a male child’s testicles descend from his abdomen into the scrotum. The scrotum is the sac of skin that holds the testicles once they descend. ⁃ During development, each testicle has a naturally occurring sac around it that contains fluid. ⁃ Normally, this sac closes itself and the body absorbs the fluid inside during the baby’s first year. ⁃ SYMPTOMS ⁃ Pain ⁃ Swollen scrotum ⁃ Infertility ⁃ Block blood supply to the testicle.

HOW DOES TRANSMIT THE INFTION ? Modes of Transmission of Infectious Diseases

HOW DOES TRANSMIT THE INFTION ⁃ Pathogens can be transmitted to their hosts by many mechanisms , namely, inhalation , ingestion, infection or the bite of vector , ⁃ Direct (e.g skin to skin) contact ⁃ Contact with blood or body fluids ⁃ Fetomaternal contact , ⁃ Contact with contaminated articles ‘’fomities’’ ⁃ Self - inoculation ⁃ In health care settings  , infection are often transmitted to patients by the hands of professional staff or other employees. ⁃ Hand hygiene before and after patients contact prevents many of thedd infections. ⁃ SYMPTOMS ⁃ Syatemic infections cause fever, chills, ⁃ sweats , ⁃ malaise and occasioanlly ⁃ Headache ⁃ Mucsle and joint pain ⁃ Changes i mental status ⁃ Localized ibfections produce tussue redness ⁃ Swelling ⁃ Tenderness ⁃ Heat ⁃ Loss of function.

How to get rid from Infection: Types, causes, and differences .. Definition of infection..

INFECTION ⁃ A disease caused by microorganism, esp. those that release toxins orb invade body tissues. ⁃ Worldwide , infectious disease (e.g, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis virus, diarrhea illnesses) produce more disability and death than any other cause . ⁃ Infection differs from colonization of the body by microorganisms in that during colonization ,microbes reside harmlessly in the body or perform useful functions for it (e.g, bacteria in the gut that produce vita Mink). ⁃ By contrast , infection illnesses typically cause harm. CAUSES ⁃ The most common pathogenic organism are bacteria including mycobacteria , cytoplasm, spirochetes , chlamydiae and rickets ) ,viruses, fungi protozoa and helminths. ⁃ Life threatening infections disease usually occurs when immunity is weak or suppressed (e.g, in the first few months of life , old age , malnourished persons , trauma or burn victims, leukemic patients , and those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes melli

HOW DOES A MEASELS INFECTION DEVELOP ? Measles: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

HOW DOES A MEASELS INFECTION DEVELOP? ⁃ As soon as the virus enters the body, it multiplies in the back of the throat, lungs, and the lymphatic system. It later infects and replicates in the urinary tract, eyes, blood vessels, and central nervous system. ⁃ The virus takes 1 to 3 weeks to establish itself, but symptoms appear between 9 and 11 days after initial infection. ⁃ Anyone who has never been infected or vaccinated is likely to become ill if they breathe in infected droplets or are in close physical contact with an infected person. ⁃ Approximately 90% of people who are not immune will develop measles if they share a house with an infected person. HOW TO DIAGNOSE OF MEASLES ⁃ A doctor can normally diagnose measles by looking at the signs and symptoms. A blood test will confirm the presence of the rubeola virus. ⁃ In most countries, measles is a notifiable disease. The doctor has to notify the authorities of any suspected cases. If the patient is a child, th