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 Definition of Sexual Harassment:-


Sexual harassment’ is any form of unwelcome sexual behavior that’s offensive, intimidating, humiliating.Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances.Most importantly, it’s against the law. Being sexually harassed affects people in different ways.Unwelcome Behavior is the critical word. Unwelcome does not mean "involuntary."A victim may consent or agree to certain conduct and actively participate in it even though it is offensive and objectionable.

 You do not need to take worry about this problem because you are at right place right now this post will help you :- If you 

  •  You’re being sexually harassed
  •  You want to know what you can do if you're being sexually harassed.
  •  You want to know more about sexual harassment.


 Sexual harassment is defined by law and includes requests for sexual favors, sexual advances or other sexual conduct.It can be written, verbal or physical, and can happen in person or online.Men and women can be the victims of sexual harassment.For example, a man whistles at a woman when she walks by. Or a woman looks a man up and down when he walks towards her.It  covers  a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature.It is commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness.

  Sexual harassment includes many things which are mentioned below :-
Unwanted letters or materials 

  •   Unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature. 
  • Touching, grabbing or making other physical contact with you without your consent.
  •   Unwanted deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, or pinching. 
  •   Committing a criminal offence against you, such as making an obscene phone call, indecently exposing themselves or sexually assaulting you.
  •   Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault. 
  •   Making comments to you that have a sexual meaning.
  •   Unwanted pressure for sexual favors. 
  •   Insulting you with sexual comments.
  •   Unwanted sexual looks or gestures. 
  •   Asking you for sex or sexual favors.
  •   Making sexual gestures or suggestive body movements towards you.
  •   Displaying rude and offensive material so that you or others can see it.
  •   Looking a person up and down
  •   Hugging, kissing, patting, or stroking. 
  •   Kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.
  •   Turning work discussions to sexual topics.

 Now we are talking about sexual harassment that when it become sexual assault :-

We can say that if any person men or women will sexual harassing you anywhere at your home, at work or office so due to this if you will feel pain, fear , humiliation or intimidation then that can be considered sexual have these rights you can get support if you believe you have been sexually assaulted.

 The sexual harassment has some bad affects on your body even you get mentally stressed :-

  •   Be less productive 
  •   You could not concentrate
  •   Physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches, backaches or    sleep problems. 
  •   You could not sleep properly because your mind will be upset.
  •   Lose confidence and self-esteem.
  •   Feel stressed.
  •   You will feel anxious or depressed.
  •   That will be very stressful due to that you might be have an       insomnia problem.


 In today's era everyone has a right to work and live in an environment that’s free from harassment, bullying, discrimination and violence.No one can harassed you anywhere you can spend your life with fully freedom.But if someone tries to get harassed with you then you can give a complaint against then under the act Sex Discrimination which is started in 1984.Sexual harassment is illegal.I will mention some thing below which can help you if you are being harassed by someone :- 

  1. Tell to someone on which have believe
  2. Save any evidence
  3. Get external information and advice
  4. Keep a copy 
  5. Be informed to someone 

     1. Tell to someone :-

Tell to someone your problem

 Any work place where you are working such as its your office and any another place and even the workers work there even they will be your HR so i ma talking about that you can tell then that what is going on what happen with you you can get help from happen your seniors at work.Sexual harassment isn’t something you need to deal with on your own. You should also talk to your trusted friends even talk with your family members.

    2. Save any evidence :-

Save any evidence

You will have to that text message which you will get from that person who is trying to harassed you.Keep text messages,social media comments, notes and emails. This evidence can help if you make a complaint.

    3.Get external information and advice :-

Information and advice

 You can get some help from the law which is made for us in 1984 its Sex Discrimination.They can give you advice on your options and your rights.

    4. Keep a copy :-

Keep a copy to write

 you should keep a record in a dairy whats happen with you in the previous time Document everything that happens,including when it occurred, the names of any people who saw what happened, and what you've done to try to stop it.

    5. Be informed to someone :- 

Inform to someone 

If you’re being harassed at work place, school college or university ,find out what their policies and procedures are for preventing and handling sexual harassment.with help of the staff which works there you can get help to get rid from being harassed.

  Types of harassment :- There are some types of harassment which i mentioned below 

  •     Discriminatory Harassment
  •     Personal Harassment
  •     Physical Harassment
  •     Power Harassment
  •     Psychological Harassment
  •     Cyber bullying
  •     Retaliation 
  •     Sexual Harassment
  •    Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
  •     Third Party Harassment


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