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How to protect yourself from corona virus. Latest news update about corona virus

                                                FACTS ABOUT CORONA VIRUS

                CORONA VIRUS

  Latest news update about corona virus

>  In 80%  cases corona virus is mild. It is a "Novel" virus which means each and everyone is susceptible to catching it. It can spread like a wild fire. 20 % of the population is infected and will require hospitalization. 

                    Latest news update

>  In Canada health organizations make separate hospitals and beds for infected people 2.4 per 1000 people.

>  0.2 of population prepared for hospitalized.

>  The medical system will very quickly become overwhelmed if 100/2 of number people comes in the hospital.

>  WHO ( World health organization ) is trying to help people how important it is to prevent the spread of this virus.

>  Hospitals are dealing with a trickle because this virus is super deadly.

>  Health care system provide instructions to tackle the spread of infection.

                                                                Symptoms of novel corona virus in human


   Novel Corona virus symptoms range from mild to severe.It takes 3-15 days after exposure for symptoms to develop in your body. If you think you have been exposed to NOVEL CORONA VIRUS and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, then you must call your healthcare doctor for medical advice.Mainly there are some symptoms could be found which includes :-


 Many people who have weak immunity systems may develop more serious symptoms in their body, like pneumonia or bronchitis.

                        Prevention of Corona virus Disease 2019 ( COVID-19 )


 I will tell you some steps which can help you to protect yourself from this dangerous virus.There is currently no vaccine and any medicine to prevent corona virus disease.But to avoid being exposed to this virus is the best way  to prevent illness.This virus mainly spread one person to another person.

              How to protect yourself from corona virus

 1. Avoid close contact :- 

               Avoid close contact

 People should avoid close contact with that people who are sick and who have these symptoms such as cough, sneezing or fever.Everyone should Put a distance between themselves and other people if there is corona virus is spreading in your hometown and nearby you anywhere.Most the people who people are at higher risk of getting very sick specially they should protect themselves from corona virus even they should take this seriously.Always Try to avoid people who are sick or meeting in large groups. Stay home if you are sick.

 2.Face mask :-

 Remember that If you are sick then you should wear a face-mask when you are around other people specially if you are sharing any thing with other people such as your room or vehicle.Sick people will be advised by their doctor when to use a mask it will be very helpful to protect yourself even other people from this virus.But if you are not able to wear mask because most of the people have problems of breathing because its difficult to take breath with mask then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes.You can use clothes etc to cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.

 3. Do not go out side :-


 If you are sick and even if you have these symptoms such as cough, sneezing or fever then you must have to stay at home to protect yourself and other people. You should restrict activities outside your home, except for getting medical care. Even you should not go to work, school, or public areas because of that this virus can spread more and more. As much as possible, you should stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home and even you should use a separate bathroom.

 4. Clean your hands properly :-


 You should wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 30 seconds especially after you have been in a public place and specially whenever you sneezing or coughing then you must wash your hands.Wet your hands with warm water and apply soap.Dry your hands with a clean towel or paper towel.Rub the top of your hands, between your fingers and under your fingernails.Even you can use a hand sanitize because it has at least 60% alcohol. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth until you do not wash your hands properly.

 You should wash your hands after :-

  •   After toilet use
  •   If you have touched animals or animals's waste
  •   Before and after preparing food
  •   After using a public transport
  •   If your hands are dirty
  •   After coming back from crowded places
  •   Before and after taking your foods
  •   After shaking hands with someone


 5. Always clean and disinfect :-


 Regularly and thoroughly you should clean surfaces, such as counter tops and doorknobs,tables, doorbell and windows with a disinfectant. Besides this you should wash  light switches, counter tops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards and your toilet seat etc.Because the cleaning and disinfecting will removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects.Cleaning with warm water and detergent ( even you can use soap )is a process that removes visual dirt and contamination and in most cases is effective for decontaminating both equipment and the environment.

 6. Social distancing :-


 The novel corona virus spreading day by day in every country its spread one person to another person but the social distancing can plays an important to help slow the spread of corona virus. It could be done if less people make contact between infected people and healthy people.Social distancing is a public health practice which means to prevent sick people from coming in close contact with healthy people in order to reduce opportunities for disease transmission.


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