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How to Boost Your Immune System During the Corona virus Outbreak

How to Boost Your Immune System During the Corona virus Outbreak

 As we all know that the corona virus ( COVID-19 ) is spreading day by day in whole world so this time we should have to be careful about this disease because there is no medicine or any vaccine is not made up for giving to the corona patients.Scientists continue working on antivirals and vaccines, many experts are suggesting the public to stay at home and be safe.The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person because of this the government requesting to all the people to stay at home until this virus not be disappear from all the surface of the thing because this virus can live up to 24 hours on the surface of the things.Between people who are in close contact with one another then this virus spread.It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, so always try to avoid this mistake.Do not touch your mouth, eyes and nose before washing your hands.So  the main thing is that if your immune system is strong then your body can fight with foreign antibodies such as the corona virus (COVID-19).It is very essential to have a strong immune system to stay healthy. 

Boosting your immune system to fight the corona virus


Here i am going to tell you some steps even some foods which can help you to boost your immune system fast.As we know that there are many types of foods and fruits which have all kind of vitamins these all can help you to boost your immune system during the corona virus because it is very essential to have a strong immune system during the corona virus.

These are the five basic steps which we should aware about that :-


We should get adequate sleep for relaxing our mind and body.A recent studies reveals that sufficient sleep is helpful for healthy, active and stress free life.Our body makes cytokines and protein which are responsible for inflammation and infection due to insufficient sleep. So we have to get adequate sleep to boost our immune system.When we are sleeping the production and releasing of cytokines.As a result if we take proper sleep for sufficient time then it helps to inhibit the sleep deprivation which are affects on our immune system.


In this we can restrict on our meal because it can helps to reset our immune system.It lowers the white blood cells counts, which are helps to stem-cells-based the regenerate the new immune system cells.If you holding off on having the food for at least 14 to 18 hours after your last food. It can helps to attention your body to focused of the immune cells.


We should aware about the travelers health.If you travel by public a transport then you should wear a medical mask and do not touch any other objects.The masks are providing safe and fearless travelling.People who are with the respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, cough  and cold ,they must be wear mask and use sensitize after coughing and touching their nose as a result it helps to control the spreading of the infection to the healthy or other people.


 Stress releasing hormones are causing the inflammatory diseases in the body and it may directly affect in the immune system.It occurs the more infections and diseases which is named as stress hormone cortisol. So you should do meditation and yoga for reducing stress and preventing from depression.


 For the strong immune system you should feeding your body.Some healthy foods like green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, garlic and ginger.Citrus fruits are the rich source of vitamin-C  like lemon, orange.If you get hygienic and healthy food then consequently, the bad bacteria can kill of the good bacteria and due to this digestive and auto immune problem are occur and weak your immunity.You must get hygienic and healthy food which are the rich source of Vitamin and protein. Some foods are mentioned below:-

Here i am going to tell you some steps even some foods which can help you to boost your immune system fast.As we know that there are many types of foods and fruits which have all kind of vitamins these all can help you to boost your immune system during the corona virus because it is very essential to have a strong immune system to fight with the corona virus.

How can I boost my immune system fast ? CORONA VIRUS 


For boosting your immune system you can eat probiotic foods like: kimchi, kombucha, homemade sauerkraut and consume some probiotic supplements.Before trying home remedies to increase immunity you should take advice from your physician it will be good because he knows everything about it.Even for babies Most probiotics are safe.


In our daily food we should use garlic more and more because garlic is another immune booster food.There are many types of food in which we can use garlic and it cooked very delicious.Eating garlic can boost the number of virus-fighting T-cells in your bloodstream.Even the garlic help us when we have cold or the flu and when you're overworked or stressed out. 

The dry fruits are fully loaded with vitamins and minerals,this the best food forever to boost your immunity system.Dry fruits make for a delicious and healthy snack.The nuts are loaded with health benefits and are a rich source of vitamins E and B6. You can eat walnuts, almonds, dates, pistachios and raisins which are also a storehouse of energy for our body.


 Kiwis are the crucial nutrients for the healthiness of the body. It is the rich source of Vitamin C and K, fol-ate and potassium.This fruit helps to increase the white bloods cells in the body which works to prevent from the infection.It helps to the proper functioning of the body.100 grams serving of kiwifruit has 61 calories, 14.66 grams of carbohydrates, 1.14 grams of protein, 0.52 gram of fat and 3 grams of fibre.

How can I boost my immune system fast ? CORONA VIRUS 
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