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How to gain weight at home naturally

How to gain weight at home naturally 

how to gain weight at home naturally 

  How to gain weight at home naturally;-   For most of the people gaining weight can be just difficult as compare to loss weight but don't worry about it here we lots of ways to gain weight quickly and safely.
we have to change our food chain, However we just have to add certain foods to our diet which can make your weight gain efforts healthy and more effective.

  Here we have 7 of the best foods to help you to gain weight.

  1. MILK

how to gain weight at home naturally  with milk
  Milk is the best food forever to gain weight or muscle builder for a long time.It provides a good balance of proteins to our body.
In your daily life you should drink a milk around one or two glasses with a meal, or before and after a workout if you are training.

  2.Dried Fruit

how to gain weight at home naturally with dry fruit

    dried fruit is the best food forever to gain weight quickly and its also provides antioxidants to our body.You can get many different types of dried fruit.
  Even you use dry fruits in shake which type of shake you will make for drinking.

  3.Dark Chocolate

how to gain weight at home naturally  with dark chocolate

  High-quality dark chocolate provides a ton of antioxidants and health benefits.
like other high-fat foods,which are used to eat to gain weight the same dark chocolate has a very high calorie density, meaning it's very easy to get many calories from it.
 Everyone should eat the dark chocolates in daily life.


how to gain weight at home naturally  with cheese

  Cheese has been a staple food for centuries.Most of the people use cheese with vegetables and the cheese is used in many fast foods such as a burgers and pizzas.
  The dark chocolate has high calories and same it has high in calories and fats. If you eat cheese in larger quantities, it’s also a very good source of protein.

 5.Whole Eggs

how to gain weight at home naturally  with whole egg

   Eggs are one of the healthiest muscle-building foods which is used for a long time on earth for gaining weight it has high calories in it.
  They provide a great combination of high-quality proteins and healthy fats.It's also very important to eat 5 egg daily even you can eat eggs to make ambulate of the eggs.
  In fact, almost all of the beneficial nutrients in eggs are found in the yolk.

 6.. Rice

how to gain weight at home naturally  with rice

  Rice is a convenient, low-cost crab source to help you gain weight and its easy available everywhere you can gain weight to eat rice daily in your breakfast and dinner.
It is also fairly calorie-dense, meaning you can easily obtain a high amount of carbs and calories from a rice. This helps you eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or get full quickly.

7.. Red Meats

how to gain weight at home naturally  with red meat

   Red meats are probably one of the best weight gainer and muscle-building food.Everyone should eat a red meat daily with their food because in red meat there are high calories and protein
 lean and fatty meats are a great source of protein, though fatty meat provides more calories, which can help you gain weight.


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