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HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SEX LIFE. How to increase interest in sex

                                       HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SEX LIFE

       How to increase interest in sex

                                       "How do you manifest during sex"

Do you want to improve your sex life? Most people do.Being sexual is one of the healthiest things a couple can do.Everyone wants better sex relations in their life but unfortunately some people have some problems when they having sex but do not worry about it if there is problems even we have solutions of that all type of problems. .Such physical changes often mean that the intensity of youthful sex may give way to more subdued responses during middle and later life.If you’re coupled and stuck in a sexual rut, you’re not alone.While dry spells are a normal part of any relationship, it’s still no consolation for couples experiencing one.10 ways i am going to tell you these steps will help you to make a better sex life.

             How to increase interest in sex

 1. Take a sex class and use your weekend to practice :-

Take a sex classes

   If you have some problems during sex with you partner then you must attend sex related classes in which you can get more knowledge about sex life.When I took a bondage class with my partner, the sex educator was welcoming and made us feel comfortable. I recommend it to any couple that wants to have fun while learning new tricks.Even the couples can learn more about sex positions,techniques and  toys and props for sex play.

  2. Always Tell the truth to your partner :-

 Always Tell the truth 

Firstly In this case you will have to tell your partner the truth about how you feel about your sex life together. If you want more frequency, ask for it.Second thing is that if you do not have experience about this you will have to tell the truth to your partner.If you have trouble having an orgasm because you need more foreplay, be honest about that.You may feel shy talking about it, but remember, the best sex comes when couples communicate about it. 

  3. Always Use lubrication during sex :-

Use lubrication before sex

 Before start having sex always use lubrication which will help you to have better sex with your partner. Use these freely to avoid painful sex a problem that can snowball into flagging libido and growing relationship tensions.When lubricants no longer work, discuss other options with your doctor because the doctor can give you some better advice about this.

  4. Go on a sexy overnight getaway :-

            sexy overnight getaway

 If you have some troubles then one time you must have to go away on a sexy overnight getaway with your partner.You should Go away to experiment with a little role-play. Because of that the couples that travel together have better sex lives.Going on a romantic getaway can create too much pressure to perform even you can do more enjoy outside because sometime we have stress in our mind due to that we can not get satisfaction while sex so if we will go out side anywhere we will forget everything and only enjoy with our partner makes us happy.

                                       "How to increase interest in sex"

  5.  Ask for what you want :-

Ask to your partner what he or she want

 You can ask to your life partner that "I really need more kissing and touching outside the bedroom before we start touching sexually in the bedroom.Even you can ask him or her about sex that I want us to experiment with different positions in bed, rather than the same position we always use.But remember one thing you will not have to do shy during asking these things to your partner because the communication is the first and best way to improve your sex life.Moreover you can talk to your partner before starting sex that I wanted to tell you that I would like more foreplay when we are sexual before we have intercourse. These are the main points which you need to remember always.

  6. Try to be relax always :-

Always try to be relax

 Always try to be relax because the relaxation is the best way to improve your sex life.Do something soothing together before having sex, such as playing a game or going out for a nice dinner.  To take relaxation you should try some techniques such as exercise, deep breathing yoga etc.Even you can go outside anywhere where you feel better, joy able and relax.

  7. During sex Try different positions :-

Try different sex positions

 Anytime you introduce something fresh and novel into the bedroom, you set yourself up for a more stimulating experience and bigger finish.Even the hottest spark in the bedroom needs new sex positions to stoke the flames from time to time—otherwise things get boring, fast. Developing a repertoire of different sexual positions not only adds interest to lovemaking, but can also help overcome problems.So always do sex with different position.

  8. Pleasure yourself in front of your partner :-

Always pleasure yourself

 As women in society, we are often taught to put our needs last, and this comes into the bedroom as well.Allowing your partner to witness how and where you like to be touched is practicing a level of vulnerability that encourages closeness.Communicating your wants and needs in the bedroom is vital to a healthy, pleasurable sex life. As you likely discovered the first time you mastered the art of touching yourself, it's empowering to take your pleasure into your own hands.

  9. Get Out from the House :-

Get out from house

 I have already told you many steps to make a sexual life better but now i am going to tell you one thing more which is very important to have a better sex life. sometime you get boring at home and even you have stressful mood sometimes due to that you can not make a better sex relation with your i want to give you one good suggestion for a better love life is to take regular nights away from home.For some couples that have been together for a while, sex can become routine," says Cattleman.You are worn out by the end of the day, after the job, the laundry, the kids' soccer games, and the errands.So you must go out sometimes for the best and to get relax.

  10. Don't give up :-

Remember " Do not give up

 One thing in last i want to tell you which will motivate to you that is if you trying for a long time to make better sex life but unfortunately none of your efforts seem to work, don't give up hope because if you have problems then you must have solutions of that all problems. Your doctor can often determine the cause of your  sexual problem and may be able to identify effective treatments.In real life, sex can be confusing, disheveled, and even disappointing.People may feel scared to have sex with their significant others, frustrated about not doing it regularly, or too anxious about whether they’re doing it right.Every problem has solutions so you do need to take worries.


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