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Corona Virus Disease : How to protect yourself from COVID-19


It is the upper respiratory disease.It can infect the animals and human.This is the mixture of virus SARS-COV and MERS-COV that can cause the problems of the respiratory system,It can cause the severe illness and complications which directly affect on lungs and cause breathing problems and pneumonia.This is the serious threat for all over the world.


The symptoms of this virus are similar to other flue and diseases.

  • Fiver 
  • Dry cough
  • Breathlessness 
  • Difficult in breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Malaise
  • Headache
  • Sneezing
  • Diarrhea
  • Nasal congestion
  • Running nose
  • Sore throat
  • Pains
  • Body aches
  • Pain on the chest
  • Changes of body color lips and face is in bluish color
  • The symptoms are occur in the second weak of illness like in 7-9 days

These causes are directly affect on the lungs and develop severe pneumonia and failure of respiratory system and problems in breathing pattern. In the last stage the patient is completely unable to breath and in this situation the need of oxygen or mechanical ventilation for suffer with COVID-19.


 Many people are an increased the risk of the COVID-19.

Due to the living situation :-   People are living on the sites and come in contact where the COVID-19 has been spread already.

Because of travelling :- This is the main risk factor of COVID-19 during travelling people get infected with this virus because most of the people use public transport for going anywhere and sometime one person travel in the public transport who have infected with COVID-19 will touch the objects in the buses or metro trains such as the windows, handles, and seats but when some healthy people will touch that surface or objects which get contaminated with that virus then they will get infected.Besides this some infected people do not use precautions when they sneeze or cough because they do not cover their mouth and nose with tissue paper and this is the main reason to spread the virus.

Aging process :- The aging process is common risk factor. People who are at the old age they are higher risk to get infected with this virus because their immune system weak.

 Medical conditions :- The medical conditions are the risk of virus. People who are suffering from lungs disease and chronic heart disease they are at high risk to get infected with COVID-19.


First of all people should stay at home  and they do not go outside from their house because if they will go out side from their house then they will get touch with infected people and they must be infected from them.If you go out from house an accidentally come in contact with infected person and then it can transmitted through coughing, sneezing and touching. 

If someone is sneezing and coughing in-front of you then you should cover your mouth with the medical mask.Moreover if you have some symptoms such as cold, cough, fever then you should stay at home and avoid contacting with others people.Contact with you doctor and take medicine properly and go for a blood test for blood test so it may be confirm that you are negative or positive for early precautions of COVID-19. 

Maintain your personal hygiene :-  You should buy a soap and disinfectant which are used to kill micro-germs and bad bacteria.It is very effective way to prevent from COVID-19. You should wash your hands at least 30 second after get in touch with contaminated things, Doing work, Before preparation of food.

Keep your home hygienic and sensitized :-  You should clean your home surfaces with the phenol because it is the strong germicide solution which is used for disinfecting your home areas which are contaminated with micro-germs and sensitize your living area.We can use it mix two-three tablespoons with 2 litter water and wash the surface area and after clean up it wash it with the normal water.

You should stay active and pay attention for your surrounding areas and local news.

Cases of COVID-19 in the whole wold are  6,64,590 



1.         INDIA                                 979                      24                      85
2.         ITALY                             92,472                  10,023               12,384
3.        CHINA                             81,394                  3,295                 74,971
4.        UNITED STATES          1,24,592                2,227                 3,231
5.        GERMANY                     58,137                   479                   4,227
6.        UNITED KINGDOM     17,136                  1,028                 140
7.        SPAIN                              73,235                  5,982                 12,285
8.        FRANCE                          37,611                 2,314                  5,700
9.        NEW ZEALAND             476                       01                       56
10.      AUSTRALIA                   3,964                     16                      224 

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