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Showing posts from March, 2020

Corona Virus Disease : How to protect yourself from COVID-19

WHAT IS CORONA VIRUS ( COVID-19 )  CORONA VIRUS It is the upper respiratory disease.It can infect the animals and human.This is the mixture of virus SARS-COV and MERS-COV that can cause the problems of the respiratory system,It can cause the severe illness and complications which directly affect on lungs and cause breathing problems and pneumonia.This is the serious threat for all over the world.   SIGN AND SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 The symptoms of this virus are similar to other flue and diseases. Fiver  Dry cough Breathlessness  Difficult in breathing Fatigue Malaise Headache Sneezing Diarrhea Nasal congestion Running nose Sore throat Pains Body aches Pain on the chest Changes of body color lips and face is in bluish color The symptoms are occur in the second weak of illness like in 7-9 days These causes are directly affect on the lungs and develop severe pneumonia and failure of  respiratory system and problems in breathing pattern. In the last stage t


HOW CAN WE CONTROL CONCEIVING NATURALLY ?   CONTROL CONCEIVING NATURALLY   There are many types of methods to control birth. If you do not want early pregnancy then you can take some steps of contraception. You can use some safe and effective methods of birth control using contraceptive is the easiest method for the couples who avoid pregnancy and enjoy physical relationship without worry of pregnancy.There are number of devices, medicine and procedures are available to control the pregnancy. There are two types of methods   TEMPORARY METHOD  PERMANENT METHOD     TEMPORARY BIRTH CONTROL METHOD    There are five methods come under the temporary method which are mentioned below :-  > BARRIER METHOD  These methods are helpful to prevent the sperm from interning into the uterus because they are removable. There are some types of barrier methods :- 1. CONDOM CONDOM  This is very old barrier method to avoid pregnancy.A condom is like thin tube which man

How to Boost Your Immune System During the Corona virus Outbreak

How to Boost Your Immune System During the Corona virus Outbreak BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM   As we all know that the corona virus ( COVID-19 ) is spreading day by day in whole world so this time we should have to be careful about this disease because there is no medicine or any vaccine is not made up for giving to the corona patients.Scientists continue working on antivirals and vaccines, many experts are suggesting the public to stay at home and be safe.The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person because of this the government requesting to all the people to stay at home until this virus not be disappear from all the surface of the thing because this virus can live up to 24 hours on the surface of the things.Between people who are in close contact with one another then this virus spread.It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, so always try t

How can I boost my immune system fast ? CORONA VIRUS

OW TO STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM BY USING HOME REMEDIES How can I boost my immune system fast     A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy.It is defined as a biological state of multi-cellular organism which fight against the diseases infection, other problems and allergies it called as a immunity. There are Many products on store shelves claim to boost or support immunity. Healthy immune system warriors need good, regular nourishment. HOW SEX CAN AFFECT ON YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM SEX CAN AFFECT ON IMMUNE SYSTEM Sex can actually directly impact your immune system.Sexual activities is very helpful to boast your immune system.If you had intercourse for one or two times per weak then you can raise the level of immunoglobulin A ( IGA ).Even the sexual activities helps to make active and sexually active.Stress and depression are risk factors of weak immunity and sex is best therapy to reduce the stress and as a result it can improve your immune system. CAUSES

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat ?

                                                   HOW TO REDUCE BELLY FAT BELLY FAT  In medical terms we can call it abdominal obesity. It is defined as the disorder of excessive fat of abdomen which surrounding of the orange in the stomach called as abdominal obesity. Belly fat is not just a problem  because it affects on our personality.  CAUSES OF BELLY FAT   Because of overeating and lack of exercise daily after having food. JUNK FOOD Some people eat lot of oily and fast food and it leading to gaining of weight and obesity often then it cause expand of stomach beyond its normal size. Many people are living in sedentary life style and they do not do hard work. Over consumption alcohol due to drink of plenty of alcohol caused the belly fat. Smoking is directly cause of belly fat. Due to the disease can cause obesity such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and asthma.       HOW TO LOOSE BELLY FAT AT HOME   First of all

How can we prevent dehydration ,causes, symptoms and treatment of dehydration

                                              DEFINITION OF DEHYDRATION DEHYDRATION   How can we prevent dehydration    It is defined as the loss of excessive water from body.Because of vomiting and diarrhea may lead to dehydration. There are a number of other causes of dehydration including heat exposure, prolonged vigorous exercise and kidney disease. Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in.  CAUSES OF DEHYDRATION :-                                                                                              DIABETES    Most of the people have diabetes elevated blood sugar levels cause sugar to spill into the urine which can cause significant dehydration.People with diabetes have an increased risk of dehydration.                                                                   INABILITY TO DRINK FLUIDS   Lack of water in the body is another potential cause of dehydration.This the main reason b

How to protect yourself from corona virus. Latest news update about corona virus

                                                FACTS ABOUT CORONA VIRUS                 CORONA VIRUS   Latest news update about corona virus >  In 80%  cases corona virus is mild. It is a "Novel" virus which means each and everyone is susceptible to catching it.  It can spread like a wild fire. 20 % of the population is infected and will require hospitalization.                       Latest news update >  In Canada health organizations make separate hospitals and beds for infected people 2.4 per 1000 people. >  0.2 of population prepared for hospitalized. >  The medical system will very quickly become overwhelmed if 100/2 of number people comes in the hospital. >  WHO ( World health organization ) is trying to help people how important it is to prevent the spread of this virus. >  Hospitals are dealing with a trickle because this virus is super deadly. >  Health care system provide instructions to tackle the spread of infection.