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There are natural things which are useful to relief from the headache which are mentioned below:-
First of all the basic thing is very beneficial for your health is to drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. because hydration is the main cause of tension migraine and headache. Throughout day you eat the water rich foods.
Get adequate sleep for good health because if you face difficulty in sleeping then it cause the headache sometime it cause the severe headache.You have to take the 9 to 10 hours of sleeping to overcome the headache.
Use essential oils which are produce from the various plants.peppermint and lavender  necessary oils are reduce the headache and reducing migraines.
Take B-Complex vitamins which are the group of water - soluble micro nutrients . which are helpful to reduce headache.
Have the balanced diet daily ,food tolerance can trigger headaches in some people.
Drink tea or coffee to releife from headache . caffeine improved your mood and increase the alertness and constrictions blood vessels these are effective to reduce headache.
Yoga is to relaxing the body and mind . it can help to reduce stress, increase flexibility and decrease pain and improve your overall quality of life.
To stay away from the strong smells of perfumes and cleaning products which can cause the should not use the string smelling perfumes .
You should avoid the drink  of alcohol daily because it can cause the tension and cluster headaches in some people.
Using an eye packs on your forehead helps your numb the pain.


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