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Showing posts from June, 2019

What is Pericarditis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

 WHAT IS PERICARDITIS ? The pericardium is the sac-like membrane surrounding the heart which is affect with irritation and swelling is caused by viral infection and heart attack is called as pericarditis.   CAUSES OF PERICARDITIS CAUSES  . The main cause of pericarditis is unknown but some other causes are predict which are following and under bellow :- Viral infections such as Herpes virus, Mumps virus, HIV. Respiratory infection  Lupus, Sclerderma and Rheumatoid arthritis. Because of accidental injuries to heart and chest by motor vehicles. Health issues - AIDS, TB ( Tuber culosis ) and kidney failure. Gen tic disorders, Metabolic disorders.  SIGN AND SYMPTOMS   The pain occur on the middle or left side of the cheast. Weakness or fatigue  Fever, swelling in the feet, ankles and legs. Breathlessness or shortness of breath when you laying down. Palpitations, Dry cough. Cough during inhalation or swallow. Stomach infection.  DIAGNOSIS OF PE


HOW TO DIAGNOSE AND TREATMENT OF TYPHOID FEVER ⁃ DIAGNOSIS:- ⁃ There are various types of fever such as, paratyphoid, pneumonia , dysentry, meningitis, smallpox and are among  diffrential diagnoses. ⁃ Widal serogical test ⁃ Blood culture ⁃ Examination of feces for the presencecof the causative organism. ⁃ Bacterial confirmation is through bone marrow culture. ⁃ TREATMENT:- ⁃ There are some drug therapie to treat the typhoid fever ; ⁃ Antibacterial drugs such as, ciprofloxacin . ⁃ Antimicrobial ⁃ Dexamethasone is administered a few minutes before antibiotics are given to the patient witj shock or decreased level of consciousness . ⁃ Antipyratics must be administerd to the patient for reduce fever. ⁃ Travellers must be aware that the most important safeguards are good food handling and water sanitation. ⁃ Vaccination with typhoid vaccines. ⁃ Oral vaccine is taken im multiple doses with adults and children over the age 6 prescribed one capsu

Typhoid Fever Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Vaccine

TYPHOID FEVER ⁃ This is the severe infectious disease marked by fever and septicemia. ⁃ It is very common fever in some areas. mostly among travellers. ⁃ An estimated 20 million cases of typhoid fever and 24,0000 deaths occur in all over the world. ⁃ Some in endemic  areas where the sanitation system is poor. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ It is caused by the S.typhi. ⁃ gram negative bacteria that enter the gastrointestinal tract. ⁃ Infention in the billary tract. ⁃ It is most commonly transmitted by the fecal-oral route through water or food contaminated by humsn feces. ⁃ Lymtyphoid tissues and walls of the ileum and colon seeding thrvintestinal tract with millions of bacilli. ⁃ SYMPTOMS:- ⁃ most common symptoms of gastrointestinal symptoms may develop within 1 hour of salmonella., typhi ingestion. ⁃ Fever, malaise. ⁃ Anorexia , myalgia, headache and slow pulse  rate. ⁃ Fleeting rash. ⁃ Chills and diapherosis increasing abdominal pain and digestion.


HOW TO MANAGE WHEN  PERSON SUFFERING FROM PHOSPHORUS POISONING ⁃ This condtion occur due to the ingestion of substances containing yellow phosphorys,such asrat and roach poison. ⁃ In this poisoning acute irritation of the gastrointestinal tract may be followed by liver failure. ⁃ It cause the kidney problem may damage  the kidney. ⁃ Fatigue , weakness. ⁃ Hemmorrhage. ⁃ heart failurr ⁃ Nervous system symptoms predominate. ⁃ If patient was swallowed the phosphorus then gastric lavage is performed. ⁃ The airway should be protected by cuffed endrotracheal intubation. ⁃ Administer drug therapy such as , charcoal and a cathartic drug . ⁃ Its depending on the length of time from ingestion , intravenous fluids may be used to flush the poison out of the system by diuresis. ⁃ perotoneal or hemodialysis may be needed for the patient. ⁃ Close monitoring should be performed for delayed effects for at least 24 hours. ⁃ psychological therapy provide to the

Marasmus: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

MARASMUS DISEASE ⁃ it is the condition when emaciation , generalized wasting and absence of subcutaneous fat caused by malnutrition. ⁃ This is the problem occur due to the deficiency of calorie to acute diseases. ⁃ Diarrhea l diseases of infancy . ⁃ Nutritional compostiokbdefiency ⁃ Inadequate food intake ⁃ Malabsorption ⁃ Child abuse ⁃ Failure to thrived syndrome ⁃ Scurvy ⁃ Deficiency if vitamin D. SINGS AND SYMPTOMS ⁃ Sunken face ⁃ Loss of muscle mass ⁃ Soft tissue and a wizened ⁃ Loss of temporal and buccal fat pads. ⁃ Loss of weight ⁃ Brain and skeleton growth continues, resulting in long body and a head too large in proportion to weight. ⁃ The eyes are sunken ⁃ Tissue turner is lost. ⁃ Skin appear loose and sags. ⁃ Loss of activity in the Person. ⁃ Weakness in feet and hands. MANAGEMENT :- ⁃ Provide supportive therapy to the patient. ⁃ Low and small in calorie feedings should be provide to the patie

Polyhydramnios - Symptoms and causes 

POLYHYDRAMNIOS ⁃ This is the problem when the volume of amniotic fluid exceeds 2000 ml during last half of pregnency. ⁃ TYPES:- ⁃ Two types of this disese are acute and chronic which are mentioned below; ⁃ Acute polyhydramnios:- it occurs suddenly between 20 and  24 weeks gestation and is marked by a rapid increase volume. ⁃ Chroni polyhydramnios:- this is a continous gradual increase in volume throughout the last trimester is more common. uterine overdostention may result of preterm labour. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ The exect cause of polyhydramnios is unknown; but the disease occurr more frequently in association with congenital fetal anomalies that interfere with swallowing . ⁃ Inanecephaly in monozygotic multiple gestation. ⁃ 10% of pregnancies in diabetic females. ⁃ SIGNS:- ⁃ Increased of fundal hieght out of proportion to gestation. ⁃ Taut gestation. ⁃ Difficulty in auscultating the fetal heart rate . ⁃ MANAGEMENT:- ⁃ Ultrasonography helps to c


SOURCES OF PROTEIN AND SOME FUNCTIONS PROTEIN ⁃ This is the one of a class of complex nitrogenous compounds that are synthesized by all living organisms and yield amino acids when hydrolyzed. ⁃ Proteins are in the diets provide the amino acids necessary for the growth and repair of animal tissues. ⁃ SOURCES:- ⁃ Proteins are found in vegetables and animal sources of food. ⁃ there are many things which are the source of proteins ars following:- ⁃ take from the animals ; eggs, meat, milk , cheese, fish. ⁃ From vegetables and soyabean . ⁃ FUNCTIONS:- ⁃ It is the ingested proteins are a source of amino acids needed to synthesize the body’s own proteins , which are essential for the growth of new tissue or the repair for damaged tissue . ⁃ Proteins are part of all cell membrane . ⁃ Excess amino acids in the diet may be changed to simple carbohydrates and oxidazed to produce adenosine triphosphate . ⁃ Protein produce enzymes that increase the rate of che

Panic attacks and panic disorder - Symptoms and causes 

PANIC DISORDER ⁃ It is the condition when the anxiety , terror or fright that is usually of sudden onset and may be uncontrollable is called as the panic disorder. ⁃ PANIC ATTACK ⁃ This is the discrete period of intense fear or discomfort that is accompanied by these symptoms which are following mention below :- ⁃ Palpitations ⁃ Sweating ⁃ Trembling ⁃ Shaking ⁃ Sensation of shortness of breath ⁃ Feeling choking ⁃ Abdominal distress ⁃ Dizziness or light headedness ⁃ Chest pain or discomfort ⁃ Feeling of unreality or being detached from oneself ⁃ Feeling of losing control or goong crazy ⁃ Fear of dying ⁃ Paresthesias and chills or hot flushes ⁃ MANAGEMENT:- ⁃ Maintain the precautions are given to the patient for the safety. ⁃ Provide calm , quiet and reassuring environment helps the patient to overcone feeling of anxiety . ⁃ You have to demonstrate the slow and deep breathing if the patient is hyperventilating. ⁃ Relaxati

Parkinson's disease - Symptoms and causes

PARKINSONS DISEASE ⁃ this is the common  chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system that produces progressive movement disorders and changed in congition and mood. ⁃ A pill-polling tremor of hands , muscular rigidity, loss of facial expression, difficulty initiating mocements such as, akinesia, bradykinesia and gait disturbances . ⁃ This disease is mostly found in the people who are over the age of 68. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ Dopamine production by brain cells in the substantia nigra is dimminished in the the disease. ⁃ Clusters in families are often. ⁃ Genetics conditions ⁃ Viruses, toxins or drugs. ⁃ SYMPTOMS:- ⁃ Tremors in one or more extemties when the hand at its rest. ⁃ Fatigue , malaise. ⁃ During sleep decreased Anxiety or stress  . ⁃ Change in the vocal quality ⁃ Shuffling gait that becomes faster after a few steps. ⁃ TREATMENT:- ⁃ Maintain the function for ad long as possible and relieve symptoms. ⁃ Administer medicat

Mental retardation: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

MENTAL RETARDATION ⁃ it is the condition when person suffering from intelectual disablity and general learning disability. ⁃ Average of below inteligence evident before the age of 18 associated with impaired learning or communication , poor social , community , or interpersonal adjustment, and inability to function independently such as to suppory oneself , to safely and healthy. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ Some time person have injuries that occur during fetal or embryonic development such as, exposurebto infections or toxins in utero. ⁃ Genetic syndrome ⁃ Childhood exposure to toxins ⁃ Down syndrome ⁃ Social or emotional deprivation during infancy or childhood all many contribute to impairements in intellectual development. ⁃ SYMPTOMS:- ⁃ Restlessness ⁃ Hyperactivity ⁃ Talking late or trouble with walking . ⁃ Difficulty remembering things. ⁃ Crawling ⁃ DIAGNOSIS:- ⁃ tests done ⁃ Intelligence test IQ  tests for checking IQ levels of patient to dia

Acute pancreatitis Symptoms, Treatment & Causes

ACUTE PANCREATITIS ⁃ It is definef as the sudden onset , marked clinically by epigastric pain , nausea , vomiting, and elevated serum of pancreatic enzymes. ⁃ Inflammation of the pancreas , autodigestion , necrosis , hemorrhage, gangerene orbpseudocyst formation may develop. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ Alcohal abuse and obstruction of the pancreatic duct  by gall stones arebthe most common causes of thr disease:- less often , pancreatitis  , results from exposure to drugs for exapmle thiazide , diuretics , pentamidine, and many others. ⁃ Hypertruglyceridemia. ⁃ Hypercalcemia. ⁃ abdominal trauma. ⁃ viral infections. ⁃ Mumps or coxsackievirus. ⁃ MANAGEMENT:- ⁃ Administer antibiotic therapy .treatent of metaolic complications. ⁃ Supportive and intravenou fluids. ⁃ Provide analgesics to releife from pain. ⁃ Instruct the patient to avoid alcohal . ⁃ Eat a low fat diet until your doctor says  your pancreas is healed.

Management of Mastitis in Breastfeeding Women

LACTATION MASTITIS ⁃ It is the inflammation of the mammory glands that occurs during breastfeeding,typically innthe escobd or third postpartum week. ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ germs through cracks in the nipple . ⁃ Microoganism  staphylococcus aureus. ⁃ Blocked milk ducts. ⁃ Infections. ⁃ Symptoms:- ⁃ The female complains of breast swelling and tenderness ⁃ Shooting pain during and between feedings ⁃ fever ⁃ Headache ⁃ Malaise ⁃ Tachycardia ⁃ TREATMENT:- ⁃ Heat should be applied to the patient ⁃ Administer antibiotics such as, beta-lactamase- stable pencillins. ⁃ Analgesics ⁃ Frank abscesses require incision and drainage :- pumping the breast may ne recommended to avoid rngorgement and maintain lactation. ⁃ Health care profeesional should encourage mothers to get adequate rest and hydration . ⁃ Teach the paient to maintain personal hygiene ,breast care. ⁃ Wearing supportive bra.

Asthma: Definition, types, causes, and diagnosis 

ASTHMA INTRODUCTION OF ASTHMA:- ⁃ This is defined as the ariway of the person,s become inflammed ,swell , narrow and produce extra mucus .which resulting to the difficulty of breathing . ⁃ CAUSES:- ⁃ person who have addicted to smoking . ⁃ The main cause of th asthma is the environment pollution. ⁃ Dust particles are harmfull to respiratory system. ⁃ Hause holds chemicals. ⁃ some people have allergy from pets such as, dog, cats. ⁃ Fatty foods contains the oil . ⁃ various bacteria and virsus cab cause the asthma . ⁃ SYMPTOMS:- ⁃ The patient suffering from the difficulty of the breathing . ⁃ Wheezing sounds produce. ⁃ Sleeping problems paitent cannot take the breath easily on the bed. ⁃ Constant cough. ⁃ Many allergies. ⁃ Chest pain. ⁃ patient feeling tired. ⁃ Common cold . ⁃ TREATMENT ⁃ There are some medication which are used to treat asthma :- such as , bronchodislators it can help to open the airways of the lungs to br


HOME REMEDIES FOR HEADACHE ⁃ There are natural things which are useful to relief from the headache which are mentioned below:- ⁃ First of all the basic thing is very beneficial for your health is to drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. because hydration is the main cause of tension migraine and headache. Throughout day you eat the water rich foods. ⁃ Get adequate sleep for good health because if you face difficulty in sleeping then it cause the headache sometime it cause the severe headache.You have to take the 9 to 10 hours of sleeping to overcome the headache. ⁃ Use essential oils which are produce from the various plants.peppermint and lavender  necessary oils are reduce the headache and reducing migraines. ⁃ Take B-Complex vitamins which are the group of water - soluble micro nutrients . which are helpful to reduce headache. ⁃ Have the balanced diet daily ,food tolerance can trigger headaches in some people. ⁃ Drink tea or coffee to releife from hea

Dysentery: Treatment, symptoms, and causes

DYSENTERY ⁃ It is defined as the diarrhea containing blood and mucus , resulting from inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.(e.g, abdominal pain, rectal urgency , and sometimes fever are present. ⁃ CAUSES ⁃ Viruses ⁃ protozoan ⁃ Bacterialinfection ⁃ Parasitic infections ⁃ Contaminated Water and food with pathogens ⁃ TREATMENT ⁃ First of all the prevent the patient from infections in the major emphasis of health care ⁃ Improve in the handling of waste products in the communityand teachung proper techniques for handling , cooking and storing food. ⁃ Paients may become severly hydrated , develop metabolic acidosis ⁃ Require hydration ⁃ Antibiotic therapy ⁃ Food handling should be taught to all those in the home ⁃ The need to wash hands frequnetly before and after doing somthing. ⁃ Using a meat thermometer to check that meat and dishes containing eggs are adequently cooked- refrigerating foods until just before cooking .

What is Distortion. Description of distortion

DISTORTION Description of distortion  ⁃ This is the twisting or bending out of regular shape. ⁃ The twisting or writing movement of the muscles of the face. ⁃ The deformity in which the part or structure is altered in shape. ⁃ In the psychiatry , the process of modifying unconscious mental elements so that they can  enter consciousness without being censored. ⁃ In ophthalmology, visual perception of an image that does not provide a true picture, due to astigmatism or to retinal abnormalities. ⁃ There is  the variation in the amplitude or frequency of a signal that may be caused by over driving the amplifier in the circuit. ⁃ In radiology, the difference in size and shape of a radio graphic image as compared with the actual part examined. ⁃ TYPES:- ⁃ Transverse shrinkage ⁃ Bowing and dishing ⁃ Twisting ⁃ Bucking ⁃ Angular distortion ⁃ Longitudinal shrinkage.

What Is Dysmenorrhea / Menstrual Cramps 

DYSMENOEEHEA ⁃ It is the condition pain occuring with mensturation.Number of women suffering from the severe pain and muscle cramps . ⁃ CAUSES ⁃ Hormonal imbalances ⁃ psychogenic factors ⁃ Increased prostaglandins seceretions in the menstrual flow which intesifies uterine contractions resluting in tge caused uterine hypoxia and pain. ⁃ Gynecologic disorders such as ⁃ endometriosis ⁃ uterine malposition ⁃ Stenosis ⁃ Pelvic inflammatory disease ⁃ Pelvic tumors ⁃ SYMPTOMS ⁃ Vomiting , ⁃ nausea , ⁃ diarrhea ⁃ , headache ⁃ Backache ⁃ Abdominal bloating ⁃ Painful breats ⁃ Chills ⁃ MANAGEMENT ⁃ Provide the pain reliefes to the patient such as paracetamole, aspirin, ibuprofen ⁃ Placing a heating pad or hor water bottle on your lower back of abdomen. ⁃ Massage your lower back and abdomen. ⁃ Take rest on periods. ⁃ Avoid foods that contain caffine. ⁃ Avoid smoking and drinking alcohal. ⁃ Phsyical activity ma

All about dengue | Symptoms, Preventions and more

HOW TO TREAT AND PREVENTION FROM DENGUE FRVER ⁃ TREATMENT:- ⁃ There are some medicines which are used to treat dengue fever;such as,acetaminophen It can be ellebate and reduce the fever . ⁃ Drink plenty of fluids such as water or drink with electrolyte to stat hydrated. ⁃ Provide supportive care in hospital to the patient. ⁃ PREVENTIONS:- ⁃ There are some personal protections and environment management of mosquitos are important in preventing illness. ⁃ Usually It can cause by the bite of mosquito so you have wear the long -sleeves shirt and long pants. ⁃ using mosquito netting if you will be in an areas with many mosquitos. ⁃ Prevent access of mosquitos tonan infected person with fever. ⁃ Drinking use from papaya leafes is useful to prevent dengue. ⁃ Eat pomegranate this is rich in essential nutrients and minerals that provids the body with required energy. ⁃ A vaccine for dengue fever is recomended for treat dengue. ⁃ Neat and clean the area

Epididymitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

EPIDIDYMITIS ⁃ It is the inflammation of the epididymis, which results frin infection, and rarely as a result of trauma or urinary reflux from the urethra. ⁃ CAUSES ⁃ Congenital malformation of the genitourinary tract ⁃ In sexually active young men, chlamydia and gonorrhea ⁃ Syphilis ⁃ Tubercoluosis ⁃ Mumps ⁃ SYMPTOMS ⁃ Pain ⁃ tenderness ⁃ redness ⁃ swelling in the scrotum ⁃ MANAGEMENT ⁃ Antibiotic therapy such as,tetracycline ⁃ Reducing the infection by using antibiotics ⁃ Provide analgesic to reliefe pain and swelling . ⁃ Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug for fever are affective.

Hemorrhage: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

HEMMORHAGRE ⁃ It is the condition of blood loss. ⁃ this is the episodes of bleeding that last more than a few minutes,or threaten life. ⁃ The most hazardous forms of blood loss result from arterial bleeding,internal bleeding , or bleeding into the cranium. ⁃ The risk of uncontrolled bleeding is greatest in patients who have coagulation disorders or take anticoagulant  drugs. ⁃ SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ⁃ tachycardia ⁃ Hypotension ⁃ Pallor ⁃ Cold moist skin ⁃ Fatigue ⁃ Shortness of breath ⁃ Weakness ⁃ Orthostatic ⁃ Dizziness ⁃ TREATMENT ⁃ Applied the pressure directly to any obviously bleeding body part,and the part should be elevated. ⁃ Cautery may be used to stop bleeding from visible vessels. ⁃ Ligation of blood vessels ⁃ Surgical removal of hemmorrhaging organs ⁃ Procoagulants may be administered to patients with primary or drug -induced  bleeding disorders. ⁃ Transfusion of red blood cells may be  given if bleeding comprom

Prevention of Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes - Diabetes

PREVENTION OF DIABETES ⁃ Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body’s ablity to produce and response to the hormone insulin is impaired,which reluts the abnormal merabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of gulocose in the blood. ⁃ Eat a balanced healthy diet which helps to keep your immunity strong and capable for fight against the diseases.Which include whole grains , fruits and vegetables. ⁃ Reduce the intake of saturated and trans fat. ⁃ Limit the intake of salt. ⁃ Have the highe fiber rich food. ⁃ Avoid smoking alcohal and tobacco use for renain healthy and free from many types of diseases and trannformation. ⁃ Get the adequate sleep for 12 hours a day for being active .It helps to reduce stress. ⁃ You have to avoid the sugary food always use the suger free things for eating, because it is harmfull and cause the diabete mellitus to fast. ⁃ Exercise regularly for maitaining your weight because obesity is also the main cause of diabetes.phs


TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF TUBERCULOSIS ⁃ First of all what is tuberculosis ;This is the serious infectious bacterial disease which is causes by a mycobacterium tuberculosis. ⁃ TREATMENT ⁃ Management depends upon its causes;multifarious drugs which are used to treat tuberculosis (TB):- antibacterial drugs , antituberculosis drugs, probiotics, vitamins,immunomodulators , immunostimulators,special dietry meals. ⁃ Some other medicines for TB is rifampcin,ionazid alone for further 4 months, pyrazinamide,and ethambutal for 2 months. ⁃ Maintain your personal hygiene:-practis good hygiene ; wasg yiur hands properly before and after doing something , ⁃ carry a small bottle of sanitizer ⁃ When sneezing or coughing cover your nose and mouth with the tissue and then throw the tissu in the bin. ⁃ Reporting when tubercolosis is suspected. ⁃ Isolation of infectious cases. ⁃ use personal respiratory protention devices. ⁃ Avoid exposing yourself to people with act

Cystic fibrosis: Symptoms, causes, and management 

CYSTIC FIBROSIS ⁃ A potentially fatal autosomal recessive disease that manifests itself in multiple body systems , including the lungs , pancreas, the urogenital system,the skeleton and the skin. ⁃ CAUSES ⁃ Due to this COPD  , frequent lung infections, ⁃ osteopeosis, ⁃ high concentration in sweat abnormally. ⁃ SYMPTOMS ⁃ Lung changes leading to thick ⁃ Nasal polyposis ⁃ Tenacious ⁃ Secretions leading to bronchiectasis ⁃ Bronchitis, ⁃ pneumonia ,emphysema and respiratory failure ⁃ Deficiency causing intestinal malabsorption of fats ⁃ Carbohydrates,panchreatitis, peptic ulcer ⁃ Rectal prolapse ⁃ Diabetess ⁃ Nutritional definciencies ⁃ Arthritis ⁃ delayed puberty ⁃ The child exhibits a nonproductive ⁃ Barrel chest ⁃ cyanosis ⁃ Clubbed fingers and toe ⁃ malabsorption leading to poor weight gain anf growth ⁃ Fat -soluble vitamin deficiency (A,D,E,K)leading to clotting abbormalities . ⁃ TREATMENT ⁃ Prescrib