HOW TO STAY HYDRATED IN SUMMERS stay hydrated In these summers we need extra and more careful for hydration of our body for the healthy skin and well-being. Because due to the hot summers body get dehydrated and may develop many type of diseases which are very harmful for our health and it will be more dangerous for the functions of the body.So proper hydration extremely essential for your wellness of the body. So begin with the introduction of the dehydration like what is the dehydration? As we all know that dehydration may occur when your body tissue lose more water fluids it cause disturbance in the important fluids and electrolytes such as,potassium,chloride sodium.Another complications and symptoms are developed due to the dehydration thirst occur more because body loss the water and dry of mouth and lips,lethargy it is the symptom of the because imbalance of electrolytes and person feel lethargic all the time. With the progresses of dehydration comp
WHAT IS MARASMUS ? AND HOW TO BE CURE IT ? DEFINITION OF MARASMUS The marasmus is the severe disease condition which is defined as the form of malnutrition in the body due to the low intake of energy and nutrients and cause health problems and leads to deficiency of vitamins and mineral in the body is called as the marasmus. or marasmus The another definition of the marasmus is when individual do not have sufficient food and the result of this body cannot get much energy and inhibition in the growth of new cells due to this body unable to fight with foreign antibodies and occurred health issues which is known as the marasmus. In this condition both adults and children are affected with the low energy levels and may lead to the prohibition of the vital signs in the body of the affected person and it will be too dangerous for the patient.The United Nations Children Fund estimate that half of all deaths in children who come under the age of 5 yea