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   HOW TO STAY HYDRATED IN SUMMERS  stay hydrated In these summers we need extra and more careful for hydration of our body for the healthy  skin and well-being. Because due to the hot summers body get dehydrated  and may develop  many type of diseases which are very harmful  for our health and it will be more dangerous  for the functions  of the body.So proper hydration extremely essential for your wellness  of the body.  So begin with the introduction of the dehydration like what is the dehydration? As we all know that dehydration may occur when your body tissue lose  more water fluids it cause disturbance in the  important fluids and electrolytes such as,potassium,chloride  sodium.Another complications and symptoms are developed due to the dehydration thirst  occur more because body loss the water and dry of mouth and lips,lethargy it is the  symptom of the because imbalance of electrolytes and person feel lethargic all the time. With the progresses of dehydration comp
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  WHAT IS MARASMUS ? AND HOW TO BE CURE IT ?  DEFINITION OF MARASMUS  The marasmus is the severe disease condition which is defined as the form of malnutrition  in the body due to the low intake of energy and nutrients and cause health problems and leads  to deficiency of vitamins and mineral in the body is called as the marasmus.                or marasmus The another definition of the marasmus is when individual do not have sufficient food and  the result of this body cannot get much energy and inhibition in the growth of new cells due   to this body unable to  fight with foreign antibodies and occurred health issues which is known  as the marasmus. In this condition both adults and children are affected with the low energy levels and may lead  to the prohibition of the vital signs in the body of the affected person and it will be too dangerous  for the patient.The United Nations Children Fund estimate that half of all deaths in children who  come under the age of 5 yea


   HOW CAN WE BOOST OUR IMMUNITY THROUGH VITAMIN C - Introduction;functions and vitamin and the sources of vitamin C -Here we commencing with the some introduction of vitamin C,it  is also known as the L-absorb acid which is the water soluble  vitamin that is we gain from the foods,fruits and other supplements and nutrients. -What are the functions of vitamin c :- -Vitamin C plays a very important and complex functional role  role in our body for strengthening of immune system . -It is the antioxidant pro-oxidant activity in our body . -It work as a antioxidant reducing agent . -Its AH may be react react with free radicals and reactive oxygen  species . -It donates the hydrogen and electron ions to the body by food and  deity supplements. -It is helpful for the growth and development in the body and also beneficial for the repair of connective tissue in all parts of our  body. -It helps for the fast healing of wound and and form tissue on any  part of our body. -I

How can we prevent from corona virus

How can we prevent from corona virus ( COVID-19 )                  prevent from corona One of the best way to protect from COVID-19 is "STAY HOME STAY SAFE"  Each and every person should stay at home for remain hale and hearty. It is the equal responsibility of everyone that we all should follow  the rules which are announced by our government for our safety and  keep prevent from the deadly virus because it is transmitted very  fast from person to person by come in contact with each other that's  why the government decided to ordered the lock down in all over world. Because currently there is no vaccine which is help to prevent from  corona virus disease (COVID19). There are five common preventive measures we should follow for prevention 1 Stay home 2 social distance 3 Hand wash often 4 Cover mouth with mask 5 Feeling illness current call medical team It is self protection for prevent from the corona virus disease. So what you can "do and do

How to Fix Common Sleep Problems ?

How can we cure sleep disorders and sleep well ? What is sleep disorders or sleep problems ? SLEEP DISORDER  If you are struggling with a sleep disorder in your daily life then it could be problem of sleep disorder. The sleep disorders is the condition when you do not get sufficient sleep or unable to sleep well due to some medical problems or mental disorders.In this article i will tell you that how to recognize of sleep disorder and how to get treatment you need. There are various types of sleep disorder which are following under below :- Insomnia  :- In this condition person unable to fall asleep and feel uncomfortable during lying down. Causes of insomnia are stress, anxiety, digestive problems, hormonal changes, depression, irritability. Parasomnia :-  In this disorders person's behavior is abnormal during sleep such as person wake up at night and walking , sleep talking, groaning , bed wetting, grinding teeth and clenching of jaw and night mayors. Sleep apne

Corona Virus Disease : How to protect yourself from COVID-19

WHAT IS CORONA VIRUS ( COVID-19 )  CORONA VIRUS It is the upper respiratory disease.It can infect the animals and human.This is the mixture of virus SARS-COV and MERS-COV that can cause the problems of the respiratory system,It can cause the severe illness and complications which directly affect on lungs and cause breathing problems and pneumonia.This is the serious threat for all over the world.   SIGN AND SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 The symptoms of this virus are similar to other flue and diseases. Fiver  Dry cough Breathlessness  Difficult in breathing Fatigue Malaise Headache Sneezing Diarrhea Nasal congestion Running nose Sore throat Pains Body aches Pain on the chest Changes of body color lips and face is in bluish color The symptoms are occur in the second weak of illness like in 7-9 days These causes are directly affect on the lungs and develop severe pneumonia and failure of  respiratory system and problems in breathing pattern. In the last stage t


HOW CAN WE CONTROL CONCEIVING NATURALLY ?   CONTROL CONCEIVING NATURALLY   There are many types of methods to control birth. If you do not want early pregnancy then you can take some steps of contraception. You can use some safe and effective methods of birth control using contraceptive is the easiest method for the couples who avoid pregnancy and enjoy physical relationship without worry of pregnancy.There are number of devices, medicine and procedures are available to control the pregnancy. There are two types of methods   TEMPORARY METHOD  PERMANENT METHOD     TEMPORARY BIRTH CONTROL METHOD    There are five methods come under the temporary method which are mentioned below :-  > BARRIER METHOD  These methods are helpful to prevent the sperm from interning into the uterus because they are removable. There are some types of barrier methods :- 1. CONDOM CONDOM  This is very old barrier method to avoid pregnancy.A condom is like thin tube which man